Really like Katatonia's older material


The Wayfarer
Mar 18, 2003
New Zealand

A few months ago I picked up Viva Emptiness and I quite liked it. Being new to Katatonia I decided to download some other songs by them. Personally the older songs in the style of Saw You Drown and Quiet World really appeal to me. They're so depressing and sad! After a bit I got even older stuff, songs off Dance Of December Souls and For Funerals To Come. Once again I was blown away by the emotion shown in the singing and instrument work. Typing this I've just got Instrumental and listening to it for the first that guitar solo at the end. These guys are masters at playing sad, doomy music.

How many other people prefer their older stuff to the new?

By the way...if by some chance if this gets read by the band...come to New Zealand to do a show! ...Or at least Australia!
Hey! I'm really glad you like the older stuff!
There aren't many people out there liking the older Katatonia stuff like Dance of December Souls and Brave Murder Day, for example.
Although I love every Katatonia song, of course, those are my 2 favourite Katatonia albums, I always say that :)
Did you listen to Velvet Thorns of Drynwhyl? That's my favourite. I love it.

It's always good to see there still are some people that like the older stuff.
Yes... I think the most of the katatonia-FANS like everything they've done very much. I do. I could easily say that Dance of December Souls is my favorite, because it's so damn good. But on the other hand, everything they've ever done is so damn good, so there's hard to pic one favorite.
The Album I like least of all is Tonight's Decision though...

To make a long story short: The new albums arn't better then the old ones - they're just as good.

And hey! Buy their music, ok? ;)
They're worth it!
As soon as my credit card arrives I'm gonna order some of em. It's hard to find anything like this in stores here so it all needs to be ordered off the net or whatever. Hence my 'download some stuff first and then buy' philosophy. But I know now that when I get it I'll be satisfied with it so that's all good!
Hmm... Blakkheim usually does the clean secondary clean vocals, I guess, except from D.O. Listen to V.E., for example the ghost of the sun. There he does the clean background vocals AND the growl-vocals. Really good...

And yes, I think he does them..
I got the Brave Murder Day/For Funerals To Come... CD and it says something about Mikael doing the growling vox on Brave Murder Day. Is one of the other guys in the band doing some backing growls as well? Sometimes it sounds different to Mikael. And who do they have singing on For Funerals To Come and Dance Of December Souls?
Vehemens, Mikael does all the growl-vocals on BMD. If you're an opeth-fan you should know that he's able to growl in many ways ;) Renkse does the clean-vocals on BMD.
Renkse also does the vocals on FFTC and DODS.