Question for Blakkheim


Satan Christ
Dec 16, 2001
Morristown, Arizona
I remember reading in an interview 2 years ago about the 2 extra songs from the Viva Emptiness sessions (one of them being Wait Outside), and how the other song was lost when a computer crashed or something. You said this song would be rerecorded and put on the next album. Did this happen? Is one of the songs off the new album or the singles actually this older song rerecorded?

Blakkheim... a garbage bin ... ... ... are you joking? :hypno: I think there are many better places for him than that *g*

[Seriously... that "angel" looks like a girl (; ]
BloodySwan said:
[Seriously... that "angel" looks like a girl (; ]

Nono... He really looks like Anders)
Take a look


It is Not a girl anyway)
that's a old pic of Fred.
during 'brave murder day'-photo session he had e nice hang over and fell asleep, in a bath tub.
Travis then photoshopped the pic to what you can see in VE booklet.

Well, yes, ofcourse it is Anders!
Can't you see the resemblance?! It's so obvious!


sarcasm, people :)
Frith said:
that's a old pic of Fred.
during 'brave murder day'-photo session he had e nice hang over and fell asleep, in a bath tub.
Travis then photoshopped the pic to what you can see in VE booklet.


Entertaining story indeed, but according to Travis, there is no element of truth to it.
Frith you bastard start brealeechon again!!.... ja jag vet inte hur man stavar det...
bogii said:
Frith you bastard start brealeechon again!!.... ja jag vet inte hur man stavar det...

wow, hold on!
this is a katatonia forum...haha.

Bree a Lecohn is curently in a coma, not to wake up in a near future.
but there will be updates on the wbbsite.

vem e du!?