Brave Murder Day bonus tracks


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Jun 13, 2002
Republic of Alberta
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Does anyone know where each of these bonus tracks originally came from?

Funeral Wedding
Shades of Emerald Fields
For Funerals to Come

Off the top of my head, I was pretty sure that For Funerals To Come was the name of a previous album. Are these all taken from other older albums? (sorry, my knowledge of Katatonia's stuff before Discouraged Ones is very little).

Thanks in advance :)
They are indeed!
I went to the CD store with the best selection yesterday looking for three albums: All of the new albums by Incantation, Nile, and Opeth. I didn't find any of them. But did I leave the store pissed off? No. I may not care for too much of Katatonia's work prior to Discouraged Ones (or so I thought), but I saw Brave Murder Day, an album in which I had previously only heard one song. This is rare in my area, so I thought it couldn't possibly hurt. And right next to it was a the "Tonight's Music" single with two songs I hadn't heard yet ( "Help Me Disappear"and "O how I Enjoy the Light") that didn't cost very much, so I was very happy to pick that up as well.

I love Brave Murder Day already. Ander's guitarwork always makes a good impression on me.
I rarely listen to BMD, it's a good album but I prefer more of Jonas' clean vox.

The Tonight's Music single, however... I've been listening to that a lot recently, mainly for the coversong, it's an excellent single.