Kayo Dot in Chicago

if you want to try your hand at Indian, I can give you some pretty easy recipes. although I'm not entirely sure Forbes likes everything (saag? who knows?).

he does like samosas.
i did a search on vegan/vegetarian food in the st. louis area before they got here and found 2 (TWO) -- count them TWO -- restaurants. luckily, one of them was walking distance from the club and forbes found it while driving by, so he was all over that. Nepalese food.

jake- they're on their way (as of ~10:40) and i gave them your cell #.
xfer said:
if you want to try your hand at Indian, I can give you some pretty easy recipes. although I'm not entirely sure Forbes likes everything (saag? who knows?).

he does like samosas.

Yeah, that'd be great. Just PM them to me and I'll see if they're within the realm of possibility (it's really hard to find some ingredients here).
I should stress I'm not sure which vegan foods Forbes doesn't like. like, maybe he hates mushrooms! or broccoli! i don't know! i cast out some feelers to find out, though.

here's an easy and good one from julie sahni:

3 tbsp oil (peanut oil preferred)
1 cup chopped onion
1 tbsp chopped fresh ginger
2 tsp finely chopped garlic
2 hot green chiles, minced
0.25 tsp turmeric
1.5 pounds mushrooms, cleaned and cut into 1-inch pieces
0.5 tsp coarse salt to taste
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp lemon juice
2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander leaves (cilantro)

measure out all spices and put them next to the stove in little piles (important!!)

heat oil in wok or frying pan on med-high heat for 3 min

add onion and cook, stirring, for 3min

add ginger, garlic, chiles and cook for 2min

add turmeric, mushrooms, and salt. cook, turning them, until all moisture released by mushrooms evaporates and shrooms begin to fry (abt 15min)

lower heat, sprinkle on cumin and lemon juice, mix well, and continue cooking until the mushrooms absorb the lemon juice and look fried (abt 5 min)

turn off heat and sprinkle with coriander on top. serve warm, room temperature, OR cold! (makes a good wrap if you use this cold, a good amount of cilantro, and flat bread)
i KNOW forbes likes potatoes.


2 pounds boiling potatoes
2 tbsp curry powder
3-4 tsp light sesame oil, coconut oil, or light vegetable oil
coarse salt, to taste

cover potatoes with water. boil in their jackets until tender but firm. drain and peel. cut them into slics 1.5 inches thick and put them in a bowl.

sprinkle the curry powder over the potatoes while still warm. sprinkle 3-4 tbsp of water over them and toss carefully to coat potato pieces evenly. set aside for 15 min to cool.

heat oil in a wok or pan over HIGH heat for 2 min. add potatoes and sprinkle on salt.

reduce heat to med or med-high and fry the potatoes, turning, until nicely brown (12-15min). they will develop a crisp crust. serve warm, room temperature, or cold.