Kayo Dot in Los Angeles

Awesome write-up/pics! Sucks I missed the Hotdog Eaters but I had to get the hell out of LA, I hate that place and every time I go I vow it'll be the last. Heading there tonight for Sunn O))) anyhow!
xfer said:
we drove around LA for a bit and went to a DEL TACO (umm just like Taco Bell, but with french fries on the side) and I came to the conclusion pretty swiftly that LA is a piece of shit as far as cities go. Of course I'd always heard "you need a car in LA!" and I half-believed it, but never so thoroughly as I do now that I've been there. LA is like the opposite of what a city should be like.
First, Del Taco is infinitely superior to Taco Bell because they actually have food that could pass as real Mexican. Second, you nailed LA's "charm" perfectly. Since that was the only major city I visited for the first 20 years of my life, I didn't realize that other big cities weren't exactly the same! Public transportation is so taboo out here, so foolish.
oh, i don't know about that del taco superiority thing, the tacos and burritos were both awfully fast-foody tasting and nearly indistinguishable from taco bell (they do have guacamole at del taco, though; however, it's shitty guacamole).

chipotle, on the other hand, has burritos that could totally pass for real mexican. DELICIOUS!
Certain things at Del Taco are nearly authentic, others are at the Taco Bell level, I should have clarified. I've never been to Chipotle, there is one near me though! El Gran Burrito is probably the best real Mexican restaurant chain I've been to, and then of course Alberto's which is the king of drunken Mexican food runs (cheap, greasy, and open 24 hours a day). Those two places blast mariachi and less than half the staff can speak English (usually slightly broken), so you know it's authentic.
Best Mexican always comes from places in the back of a strip mall where the only English word spoken or written anywhere is "no." The real treats are ones with an adjacent carniceria. Oh man, I'll never forget that chorizo taco I had 4 years ago in the middle of nowhere...