Kayo Dot In Des Moines








good turn out... i'd say 45-55 at the start of the night, and about 30-40 at the end of the night (2:00 a.m.)

there are good stories to be told... i'm just to tired to type them out right now.

but alex, if you talk to mia or greg today... ask if D.J. got with 'she's-not-in-high-school-dude...i-checked' girl.
ok, story time

the band got there about an hour early, so i met up with them at the place next door to the club. half of them were getting food (vegan food for Forbes, RIGHT NEXT DOOR!). anyway, i met greg first. he was outside on his cell... it's hard to miss him.

hugs happened, then we went to track down sam. we jumped in the van so i could show them a legal place to park. we took the trailer off to move it, that's when i met DJ. then we went back inside, where i met everyone else.

good conversations about the tour and other things. blah blah blah.

then we stood outside, smoking and talking for a good hour or two... because the first two bands sucked. DJ busted out his little handheld boombax thingy and started blasting Dokken... i swear. then Mia showed me video of her being rear-ended by burt (ask her to see it). blah blah blah, more talking and hanging out.

between the last two bands, they couldn't decide who should play last... so they played together. one band would play a song, then the other band would play one. it actually worked out great because then Kayo Dot could tune and get ready for the next song while Frankenixon (or The Sword of Exactly... they are in the middle of a name change) was playing. the two bands really complemented each other, totally different sounds, but the same kind of feel (if that makes sense)

ryan wasn't to hip on the idea at first, but i think he came around. it was a good way to get people in the place until 2. i think the switching also alowed Kayo Dot to play the 4 songs.

chatted with the band before i left, then sent them on there way. it was a fun night for sure.

(oh, i still need to know if DJ got with the girl that was following him around all night)
were there two stages, or were both bands on stage at once at all times?? that sounds pretty cool.

were they both fighting over the last slot? or was it more good-natured "you take it! no you take it!"

props to jake for proper use of "complementary"; BCO has trained me that people will ALWAYS misspell that word.

frankenixon's homepage didn't mention anything about a namechange for a really long time! they ought to get on that.
yeah, they should alex... they are kinda fighting with their label right now, so... that might be it too.

no, one stage... all the equpiment on it. the shared a drum set (not sam's) and you can see the different piano/keyboard in the pictures, after a song, one band would hop off to the side of the stage and the other band would get on.

it was all good natured. the bands got along really well. actually greg and joe (the guitar player for Frankexactly) both had the same seven-string guitar... which lead to bonding and jokes about "it being so embarassing... i was going to wear my blue one, but then thought no... AND NOW LOOK, you have the same guitar"

i think Forbes really dug the band, he was excited that one of the tracks they played was on the comp (which i gave them 10 copies off... i thought they could sell them of extra gas money). Forbes also gave me his solo CD (along with some other stuff)... i haven't gotten to listen to it yet. i wish i got to sit and talk with Forbes more.

(...i spelled it right... i didn't even spell check that shit)