Kayo Dot In Des Moines

hey. i'm horny. anb any ladies going to any future shows know this: i get pleasure out of giving pleasure. i'll buy you a drink and lets share an intimate moment together. its fun. honest.
i'm in berkely now and i think we are taking the bart over there at like 2:30-3. i still have yet to sleep. beer=yes. eric, your mystery no-label was good. but the nut something or other wasn't as good! no lie! the belgian ale or whatever was tasty. but thanks for them anyways. 2 out of 3 aint bad. and i'm a harsh critic! any beer is good beer, i'll take what i can get. where are all the ladies at!!!!
the posts are coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE

dj: thought you might like the belgian after you mentioned your trip to belgium and liking the beer there. it was my first attempt at a belgian, and not great but ok. the nut brown kinda grew on me. a bit heavy, but i liked it- some ppl don't care for those. glad you liked some of em! had a lot of fun hanging out w/ you guys.
Hrmm... to drink or not to drink at Kayo Dot... I can't decide. I definitely don't want to be so out of it I don't remember what happened (i.e. when I saw the Microphones a month or so ago and don't really remember it.)

Decisions decisions...
