KAYO DOT in Somerville, MA (+pix!)


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
sooo yeah the Skybar isn't the best-drawing venue, but nevertheless there were a decent number of people there and the show sounded pretty good. and the band played very very well!


SALEM FIRES opened. i saw their last song, which sounded like a lot of goth bands i've heard before. i guess that's not a bad thing, but not really my thing.

then KAYO DOT took the stage and, in what was surely intended as a tribute to motW, proceeded to tune up for forty-five minutes.

they started with "The Antique". greg provided the requisite METAL FACE:

his solos actually came through really well and sounded GREAT.

They have four guitars working, REALLY pulling off the "Wall of Sound" thing halfway through the song, better than NYC, i think. at one point, forbes drops his guitar, seizes his trumpet, plays ONE NOTE, and then grabs the guitar again to continue playing.

this time around i actually got pictures of Mia!

and also Ryan on upright bass:

i think this was from the really really high-pitched vocal part at the end of the Antique?

guest trombone onstage for the blaring beginning of "Marathon"!

toby rocks the fuck out:

notably: NICK KYTE cut off his long flowing locks! (also: see Greg insanely rocking on the left)


then came on AESMA DAEVA. i stayed for one song but my ride had to get up for work at 6am, so we left. the song i saw was decent and not-boring goth rock.



not my cup of tea! but they were nice guys. notice TOBY sitting in on bass!

i also got a KAYO DOT t-shirt! but it's too small :(
How exactly does the crowd react to these gigs? It really doesn't strike me as music that would work too well live, and certainly not to a crowd who don't know the songs.

And to be honest, i'd have no idea what to think of a band that looked like you do if i didnt previously know of you! I'd sure be intrigued..
well, from the crowd, the gothiest of the goths looked honestly pretty confused. but a bunch of people i didn't recognize who seem to have come at least partially for KD seemed into it. they bobbed their heads slowly or stared, lost in thought. and they applauded pretty heartily!
YaYo said:
And to be honest, i'd have no idea what to think of a band that looked like you do if i didnt previously know of you! I'd sure be intrigued..
maybe it's just me, but i'd be more apt to think this about the other bands that played rather than the normally dressed KO.
here's my description of the crowd's reaction:

beginning of the antique = really quiet. maybe people don't realize we have started to play and continue to chatter until slowly our wall of sound drowns out everything.

end of marathon = really quiet with just toby and sam on drums for a while and last night the crowd was completely silent during it. everyone was paying attention and shut the fuck up. it was amazing.
yeah, you guys pulled off the building-and-deconstructing thing GREAT. the beginning of antique was, as greg said, some people still chatting; weirdly tuned guitar notes sounding out all bent, with six seconds in between them at first...then it's all constructed over the next ten minutes.

then by the end of marathon, nobody was saying shit.
Baliset said:
i hated that stage though. i am starting to get a bit annoyed having about five inches in diameter of personal space around me. i need more space for rockin out!
The metal face has a blast radius.

can i get a medium gray? i have a small black.

actually, a medium long-sleeved red would be best, but if you're all out of those, medium grey shortsleeve would be just fine.