Keel are the best band ever.

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Well that's an exaggeration obviously by I fucking LOVE them and everybody should try and find "The Final Frontier" (1986) and "Keel" (1987), two of the best metal albums of the '80s!!!

:headbang: :headbang:

They sound like somewhere between Priest, Quiet Riot, Twisted Sister style big riff, big chorus arena metal with HUGE backing vocals and awesome riffs, but with a better sense of melody and strong Kiss and Dokken influences showing up in alot of the melodies. And the guitarist is Marc Ferrari who played in Cold Sweat who are awesome and also played the best Pantera guitar solo ever (the one in We'll Meet Again) and helped write and produce their "Power Metal" album. And Ron Keel's voice is awesome!

"The Final Frontier" is produced by Gene Simmons and he actually did a fucking AWESOME job on it, I have it blasting now! And "Keel" is produced by Michael Wagener so you know that has to be good, that's their best album I reckon!

Fuck I'm loving this! I could listen to these albums all day and all night every day. Shame if I wanted them on CD they would probably cost me US$60 on eBay if I was even lucky enuff to find them, I can't believe such AWESOME AWESOME albums could be so rare and hard to find. They should've been #1 best sellers and should be a copy in every home! :( Lucky I found them on vinyl for $4 each hahaha!
Nope I need Keel to reunite and tour Australia for me in the costumes they wear on the cover of their self titled album. Yeah! And play all their classic songs. :headbang:

Don't be surprised if there are more rants on bands I chuck on my turntable tonight hahahaha! Roxx Gang might be next LOL!
He played the solo on We'll Meet Again and I think "Proud To Be Loud" and he also produced Proud To Be Loud and wrote that song and another one too.

Roxx Gang's first album ROCKS. The second side has a bit of filler but its still awesome. It's such cool heavy sounding sleaze glam with a really dark edge at times and TONS of attitude! "Red Rose" is such a fucking cool ballad if you can call it that... really dark and heavy! And "Live Fast Die Young" is my anthem! Then there's "No Easy Way Out", "Nine Lives" and of course "Scratch My Back", what a great sleaze anthem! How can you go wrong!


On my bed, on the floor, all the time she's screaming MORE MORE MORE!!!

But I gave Roxx Gang a miss for now and put on Keel's self titled album again :)

NP: Keel - Somebody's Waiting (WHAT A CHORUS! How many backing vocals do they wanna have!)

WHITESNAKE are also the best band ever. And Slip Of The Tongue is their best album!!
Now You're Gone is also their best ever song, along with The Deeper The Love.

NP. Whitesnake - Kitten's Got Claws
I used to have No Parole From Rock & Roll on vinyl. Then I swapped it to a Malmsteen freak for Nitro - OFR. Good swap I think coz I've never seen OFR anywhere else hehe.
'Power Metal' is awesome! 'We'll Meet Again' is fucking sweet and so 80's! :headbang: Didn't you burn it for me troops ages ago? I think it was you that sent me a copy.
Um not sure! Could've been! I've burnt it for a few people so I've lost track haha!

That guitar solo I thought was Dime's best ever until I found out it wasn't Dime, and it was actually Marc!
the only KEEL song i have heard is "so many girls,so little time" (i think that's the title) i have it on a metal compilation album somewhere

does this song appear on one of those albums?