Keeping it up..........................

Awwww...not exactly what I'd hoped for when I read the title. Oh well. I voted again anyway... :(
DarbysDad said:
It gets hard for a long time from what I've heard from guys who take but don't need to get wood.
I had a buddy who got some and he said it worked real well. His wife took one and he took one and he said they went at it for a long time, even after his big O. That's where he said it made the most difference.

Honestly, I tried it and it had ZERO effect on me. Nothing, Zippo, Nada!! I don't know if the dose was too small or what. I could tell I had taken it by my racing heart, but it did absolutely nothing for me. Strange!! I had gotten the pills on a trip to Brazil. They sell all kinds of precription drugs to you down there over the counter.

They sell all kinds of precription drugs to you down there over the counter.

Yeah, same thing in South Africa, THANK GOD! I thought I was gonna die while I was in South Africa, and luckily, I just went to some pharmacy and got something for my stomach.
Totally ruined my vacation, though. I was lying down in pain half the time I was there.
Turns out it was my first hernia... the hiatal* hernia.

*Function: noun
Date: circa 1944
a hernia in which an anatomical part (as the stomach) protrudes through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm
ThraxDude said:
Yeah, same thing in South Africa, THANK GOD! I thought I was gonna die while I was in South Africa, and luckily, I just went to some pharmacy and got something for my stomach.
Totally ruined my vacation, though. I was lying down in pain half the time I was there.
Turns out it was my first hernia... the hiatal* hernia.

*Function: noun
Date: circa 1944
a hernia in which an anatomical part (as the stomach) protrudes through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm
Wow. I learn something every time I come here, and every once in a while, like today, it's something I might actually use at some point in my life. Way to go, TeacherDude!! :wave:

Drugs are that easy to get in Mexico, too. We stocked up on inhalers and ibuprofen while we were there.
I heard too that you shouldn't do the Viagra with booze. And never take it with nitroglcyerin. Anyway you can get prescription(rx) drugs in Tijuana but they changed how you can get them. Not just OTC(over-the-counter) anymore. Now you go see a Mexican Dr.(pay him) who gives you an rx then you take it to the pharmacy. Still basically the same scam though.
Well, I went to Rocky Point a couple of times in 1997, and everything was OTC except for steroids, which you went to the doctor across the street for and came right back. We thought about doing that to get some prednisone, but decided not to. That shit is so cheap up here, it's hardly worth a doctor's bill just for that.
Whatever anyone does hold on to your prescriptions if you cross the border for them. Its a big time Federal offense to bring them back over without the rx from the Dr. You could get busted for trafficing on a couple of little scripts.
DarbysDad said:
Whatever anyone does hold on to your prescriptions if you cross the border for them. Its a big time Federal offense to bring them back over without the rx from the Dr. You could get busted for trafficing on a couple of little scripts.
I know! There was a thing a few weeks ago on the news, this woman got busted for a few pain killers, they took her purse and someone drained her bank account, and they told her husband she wasn't getting out for 50 years. It's crazy. I wanted to panic when I came back with some seafood, let alone anything serious.