>>Kegan D., owner of 12 koalas and 42 camels


Eats and spits corpses...
Sep 2, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
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the cd thing. well, i just wanted to order IM but i've got a question: do you want the digipack if i can get it?
did you already check the shipping? it'S awfully expensiv.

\m/ !N.rr.t! \m/
the ones who believe in god believe in me...
Ah hell, I sent 4 cd's to OZ last week, it just costed 9.70 USA dollars for shipping. ANd one was a double cd. Its not that high. Im gettin ready to ship even more cd'ss, plus other things.......its a good deal to trade with on line friends......if you trust them.

TRAPPED>>>Have you checked your mail? Send me a reply on it if you dont mind. I may have some things for you.
...Narrot.... What is the digipack???

If it's too expensive to send... don't worry about it then, i am sure that i'll be able to order it from somewhere for less... :) No big deal, i don't want you to have to pay lots of money....

You should get the live stuff, demos etc. in a few weeks, i sent them off a couple of days ago... I think you'll love the control denied demos... they are awesome. :)