Kemper Metal Tests (Feared song, Rose and Narcosynthesis) 20 CLIPS!

Pretty sure it's just 6505 lead and the 6505 lead + TS. nonTS version has my OD808 in front. Worth noting that I always tweak the profiles and set the 'pick' and 'compression' bit back to 0, turn off the eq stomp/post-eq he has on the presets, turn off reverb, etc. I then stick in the studio eq to boost top end and dip a bit in the upper midrange; I've actually taken to recording the signal, eq'ing in the DAW, and then applying the same curve within the unit and re-recording.

Nice to know!!! Cheers!

BTW, did you noticed that all the ampfactory comes with a post eq just boosting the volume?
With SPDIF this is PITA, sometimes I get digital clipping when swiching between amps.
I always turn them off.
Yeah, it's kind of annoying. I have a usual EQ I apply to all gain patches with the same top end boost/upper mid cut, set it to lock, and resave all the profiles with that EQ instead of his stock boosting one. He also does one where it boosts the low end of the pickup and the level before hitting the amp, also kind of annoying.
So if I buy a few of the amp factory ones like the 6505, slo, etc there's multiple sets of eq il need to find and disable?

Yes but it only takes a few seconds, the interface despite looking odd is the most user friendly guitar processor I've used. Since everything is easily selected and tweaked from the front I find I use my ears a lot more than my eyes.

For now I'd prefer a rig librarian and overhaul of the screamer more than a rack version.
Cheers, i'l give it a test when i get back home this arvo and see how it goes.

Which high gain ones do you recommend from the amp factory packs?

I was thinking 6505, SLO, Uberschall for initial testing.
^ No problem at all. I'll do that on sunday. You can't imagine how thin the guitar sound is with just one guitar.

Check this reamp I did yersterday for the Killswitch Engage "My Curse" with some DIs from the forum. Drums are Metal Machine mixed with some samples, Bass is a MEX Fender Precision. Recorded some cymbals on my living room with just one SM57:

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The goal is to do a "metal producers pack" based around 6-10 bog-standard high gain amps. It'll basically be 6505, 5150III, Recto, Krank, and others through a Mesa 4x12 and maybe the EVH 4x12, various mic techniques to mimic common Sneap/Fredman/Richardson setups.