In to the woods we are quiescently set at ease by the lull of a flute that patters upon the forest floor. We voyage deeper towards the source only to find the epicenter of our predestined destruction, swiftly dispatched by the thunderous roar of a guitar forged from the firey waters of Rob Darken's jacuzzi, given on loan to the horde known as Kerbenok to institute their agenda of nature worship. What we have here is primarily mid-tempo black metal that keeps the listener interestedly on edge with the permutation of acoustic interludes as well as sanguineously violent tremelo displayed in it's most feral form. Up, down, in between, these Krauts know how to "clown on her", and the "she" being referenced to is your ears. A song such as Hardangervidda would not feel out of place in Negura Bunget's OM. A simply beautiful blend of acoustics, distortion, drum-work, and discanting female vocals whose melodious touch sold me at first note. Their first full-length "O" was released just last week via Northern Silence. Join me in an RC circlejerk.