Until the Light Takes Us - BM Documentary

you know what sucks with every modern movie

there's music all the time. are peoploe so fucking afraid of just shutting the hell up with adobe premiere and their 120 gb mp3 collection for a minute and letting people TALK for once without having to be interupted by the latest in glitch-hop and stupid fucking 20-second edits of a blaze in the northern sky songts

SHUT UP WITH THE MUSIC! this goes for almost every documentary, and most other movies as well. shut up with the music. let the talking do the talking you idiots
other than that, the film is not so bad

it's mainly interviews with people who know shit about shit (that intolerable "modern artist" excluded) so there's not much room for the filmmakers to fuck it up with misguided analysis and such
"here in norway we don't just live in a trailer camp listening to anthrax, if you know what i'm saying"

-- fenriz
you know what sucks with every modern movie

there's music all the time.

Sadly so. People need to feel that what they are watching is "exceptional" and out of their reach so here the music and cheap over-editing effects come into play. You watch some reality show with a bunch of lowlifes washing the dishes and there has to be some dramatic slow-motion with Céline Dion-like garbage in the background. This shit is all over the place, it's killing off brains.
it's somewhat interesting for what it is, but it really lacks direction

I wonder how long ago this was filmed. I found it amusing/interesting that Faust had his face hidden. Especially given these shenaniganswith A-Ha!


i thought it was pretty good and they captured the mood pretty well while focusing only on a couple of people to tell a larger story.

what's the track that plays in the background around the 56-58 minute mark?
thorns - stellar master elite off thorns s/t. good album with industrial vibe. (this is the dude that went with varg on the stabby trip)

and he played on, and wrote some parts of de mysteriis dom sathanas, a fact which is not well-advertised
thorns - stellar master elite off thorns s/t. good album with industrial vibe.

thanks, the industrial vibe is exactly what I liked about it.

so, was Fenriz like dissing the artist guy in that scene where he is at the exhibit?
he was acting all awkward and wasn't sure the artist even knew who he was.
Nothing really new was said, but the interviews and Norwegian landscapes made for a decent production. The subtext of black metal being art outside of music was a bit overdone and disjointed. One minute Varg is speaking from prison, then next minute some dark clown is doing cartwheels in an Angeleno art gallery, wtf? A third of the film is based around these galleries and the artists behind them, hmm.