Until the Light Takes Us - BM Documentary

I am surprised Peter Beste's work was not mentioned.

Well if the phone interview with Fenriz was any indication, this hipster bint didn't do anything more than purchase the crib notes to LoC and hit up a newspaper archive in Oslo. An outsider may present an unbiased depiction of the events, but the spiritual essence is lost.

Also, Hellhammer is one cool cat.
love it

"i didn't think he had the guts to kill that fucking faggot. but i really honor him for that."

-- hellhammer
Also, Hellhammer is one cool cat.
I thought he came across like an ass.

The flick as a whole kept my interest. But the aspects of the film that related to the paintings and exhibit (and the dancing clown) were not only necessary, but detracted from the story as a whole. Despite being a murderer, I thought Varg came across as the most sane lad in the flick.
The dude from Darkthrone seemed normal enough. Varg seemed a little crazy to me, especially when he was talking about the killing of Euronymous like it was just another walk in the park. I did find his reasoning for burning down the churches to be interesting though. I never really thought about it from a cultural standpoint.
The dude from Darkthrone seemed normal enough. Varg seemed a little crazy to me, especially when he was talking about the killing of Euronymous like it was just another walk in the park.
well don't you think he's been thinking about it every day for the past 17 years and talked about it in interviews and letters enough that it's not really a foreign concept to his mind anymore?

I did find his reasoning for burning down the churches to be interesting though. I never really thought about it from a cultural standpoint.
this is what he's been saying since 1993 or whenever
well don't you think he's been thinking about it every day for the past 17 years and talked about it in interviews and letters enough that it's not really a foreign concept to his mind anymore?

this is what he's been saying since 1993 or whenever

I'm not a black metal enthusiast so I haven't followed the on-goings of all of this. I knew Varg burned some churches down but I didn't know he killed someone. He just didn't seem very remorseful to me at all about anything but maybe you're right, maybe he's just tired of talking about it.
Word around the art studio is that the bonus dvd is everything the movie should have been. Basically Varg and Fenriz filibustering for a good 45 minutes on the landscape of black metal (past & present), and various other miscellaneous philosophies.

A clip, I'm going to try and hunt down the full thing.

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This is on Insant-Netflix now.

I took 3 things away from this:
1) Fenriz is one of the coolest motherfuckers on the planet.
2) Varg is one of the coolest motherfuckers on the planet.
3) THAT'S how you pronounce "Burzum"???

Other than that, it's pretty much useless.
I thought it was pretty cool, certainly memorable.

I also found out about THORNS because of it, which was worth it alone.
how come there is never much talk about THORNS? ... listen to this awesomeness ...

they are working on some new stuff BTW ...
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watching LAST DAYS HERE now ... man ... not sure what to say so far. the man is a mess.

I do seriously want to seek out PENTAGRAM stuff now though ... what's their definitive release?

Erik, if you have not seen it, is streaming HERE ... for Europe only I think.

For US dudes, it's on NETFLIX streaming