Keyboard and bass-guitar


#1 Backstreet Boys Fan
Sep 2, 2001
Hello everyone!

I intend to buy a keyboard for I want to learn to play it a little bit for my own musical development. But my problem is; After playing for some time, my left hand becomes slower when playing the bass. My question is; Will I get used to it and be able to play both instruments without losing my bass playing abilities or do I have to stop playing keyboard before I really started? Or is it possible that I experience a technical mistake in my keyboard-playing-style?
I don't think you'll lose speed by practicing in a keyboard. Only if you are playing one ot the instruments wrong, with a bad left hand technique or something. You just have to use your fingers do push the keyboard keys, and the same works with bass...

I think it should improve your speed since you practice the fingering. But maybe I'm wrong...

Anyway, you can quit playing keyboard and practice "piano tapping". It surely kick ass!
Nah, you have nothing to worry about. I've played bass for almost 12 years, and I tried learning piano and classical guitar at different times. I find I was better off for the new experiences.

If anything, a keyboard instrument will help you develop better left/right hand independence, and a lighter touch (most beginners grind their fingers into the strings much harder than necessary). Also, if you bother with music theory, a keyboard is the easiest way to learn it, it's all laid out in a linear fashion.

I say "have at it", experience with other instruments only gives you more to bring back to your bass playing.

(this is assuming that you're learning proper technique on both instruments. poor technique will hinder you in the long run with whatever you decide to play.)
Well, the idea is to gain more knowledge about music theory and learning a new instrument which is very, very interesting. I'm just a bloody beginner on keyboard, bass is my main instrument and I think that I am a good player (don't want to be arrogant, but I am satisfied with my own playing and technique).
Okay, I think I will keep on practising, thanks for the answers.
I tried to play some keyboard and I fucked up my tendons (Is that right?) for the rest of my life for bad use of my hand.
All I say is be careful : P

Hmmmmm... I think you fucked up your tendons by playing Action Quake2 =P
I feel that with improper technique (i.e. the wrists are bent at bad angles, ect.) any instrument can cause serious damage (bass included). I say if whatever instrument your playing hurts when you play, you're doing something wrong, period.
There's no shortage of pianists or keyboardists around (even if it's someone who plays at church), find one and ask for pointers about proper technique. There's very few musicians who don't like to show off their "know how". (even a beginners keyboard book or "Idiots guide to...." will discuss it. Go to the library, you can read it for free; can't ask for more than that.)
Hmm, sometimes when I am playing for much time (3 hours+), I feel an ache on my right hand, it's kinda "inside" the hand, right between the 2nd and the 3rd finger... Sometimes I have even to stop playing because that hurts!!

But... I think there is nothing wrong with my hand position, i play much like Steve Harris, or Stevie, I use the pickup there as an "anchor" (I hate it, but I still couldn't get free of it), do you guys know what could be wrong here??

Thanks in advance!!
Wish I could help ya, could be one of a number of things (or it could be the same problem I started having).

I recently started playing again (i play a large bass- a 6 stringer), and I suppose I started too strenuous. I hadn't played for a few years, and jumped into playing for hours straight as soon as my callouses came back. I found i had alot of aches in my finger joints (not quite painful, but close). So I laid off for a few days, now I'm pacing myself, and building up slower.