Keyboard/Synth settings.


Martriden K
Jan 8, 2004
Spokane WA.
I just bought a Korg Triton. I know Janne doesn't use one in his live rig...but I'm pretty sure I can get close to the tones that he uses in the CoB songs with it. i'm having a slight problem finding some sounds that are close to that sound right now. I was hoping maybe somebody around here could point me in the right direction.

which Orch. and Synth sounds does he usually use? That'd be a big help.

There's so many god damned sounds on the triton...I could be spending a couple years looking or modifying them before I find what I want.

I like the orchestral sounds I've gotten around to playing on it so far...but none of them have enough Attack at the beginning..they all seem to fade in..and I find that annoying. I want it smacking me in the face when I press teh keys.

I'm mostly interested in the sounds Janne uses on Follow the Reaper and Hatecrew.