recomend a good used synth module


Dec 11, 2002
would like to add a hardware synth to my stuff..I was thinking something like a Korg Triton rack and even an older cheaper unit..

theres so much stuff on ebay that is going cheap there has to be some diamonds in the rough for pads, strings and basic sounds... I have an old alesis qs6 that is average at best..and i would rather have a rack unit than a full blown keyboard...
I'm old school but...... the Kurzweil K2500Rs would be a good idea.
Its pretty amazing. Extremely granular and you can make some really strange sounds. I have a K2000VP, however I never use its sounds anymore since Native Instruments.
The Novation K station is a wicked little unit, they are pretty cheap and you can get a good sound up in seconds with them.
If you wanna go softsynth the ones which stand out to be are (again) the Novation stuff, cheap as well, absynth is amazing for pads and ambient stuff. Not forgetting Reason 4, Thor is an amazing synth.