Keyboard Tilt


New Metal Member
Apr 9, 2010
I've seen pictures of Janne's tilted keyboard, and I am trying to do a similar setup at home. I am wondering if anyone has tips for playing technique when the keyboard is at an angle like this. I have a stand setup pretty similar to his, but my hands ache and sometimes hurt after playing this way for long. (~1 hour or so)


I'm not a keyboardist but the same principles should apply from guitar in this situation: are your wrists straight? If not, that could be what's causing the pain.
If it doesn't feel confortable then stop. Play the way you feel the best. I haven't got an impressive knowloedge in piano/keyboard but I don't think it really makes a difference. To me it's only a matter of confort of playing.

Yes. Absolutely.

The sole point of tilting the keyboard is for more comfort.

The idea is that you don't have to tilt your wrist and that should result in better economy of motion.
I've been having more luck with it recently. I think I just needed to figure out the proper height and tilt, and then just get used to playing it. BTW- here is a picture of me playing it the other night, at our album release show.

If you want to listen too, that's cool. It's not really in the Children of Bodom genre, but the CoB keyboards have always influenced my playing a bit. Free listen to the album here: )

Thanks for the responses!
I've been having more luck with it recently. I think I just needed to figure out the proper height and tilt, and then just get used to playing it. BTW- here is a picture of me playing it the other night, at our album release show.

If you want to listen too, that's cool. It's not really in the Children of Bodom genre, but the CoB keyboards have always influenced my playing a bit. Free listen to the album here: )

Thanks for the responses!


That picture explains it. You are correct. You need to adjust the hight so that you don't need to tilt your hands at all from the elbows either.

Keyboard wizards correct me if Im wrong.
That angle isn't as steep as what janne uses. If it's not comfortable for you, than don't do it. I've got two different stands which i have set up like this, and i find it very comfortable. I can play scales much faster than i used to be able to aswell.
It's all about the wrist. I don't have stand with what to tilt my own keyboard, though I have made several tests, and tried playing standing with that normal 90* degree angle in relation to my body. It gives a lot more ROCK attitude when tilted, with 90* degree angle standing the keyboard must be lifted so high that you look more like some Humppa-keyboardist.
You obviously are a self-learned player, as the correct form in playing is normally well teached. The most important thing is to keep wrist semi-relaxed (I mean that it's NOT in hard position, completely relaxed wrist is hard in vigorous play that Bodom songs demand from player). Actually best position is when hand points little down from wrist in relation to rest of your arm.

Judging from your picture, I'd tell you to lift your keyboard upwards, your upper body is too hunched down and you will get neck or back pains when playing in that posture.
Hope you get it right!
For me the whole idea of the tilt is that my whole arm is in a straight line from shoulder to the end of fingertips. This makes a lot of things easier. All the joints (wrist, shoulder) you need to angle too much while playing will cause problems with playing and/or tension (and yes playing the piano while sitting down is a whole another ballgame). Ofcourse like we see in the photo on the first post I would need to stand straight to make this happen, so usually there is a little angle in there somewhere. Also I think since the photo has been taken my stand has been adjusted to a little lower position.
Hope this helps.

Janne has the idea best expressed: As few angles as possible in arm. So straight as relaxed as possible arm.

You should just keep on experimenting with different positions, you should be able to find the best position for yourself that way. One good indicator of a good position is that how easy it feels too play hard challenging parts. If there are more muscles working than needed, they mostly make it harder to play fast challenging parts. Your hands just like float over the keys if it's good.

Great that Janne Warman himself came here to give his 2 cents. It's Great to hear it straight from the masters mouth, as I believe, most of us keyboarders here are trying to learn from your playing in some way or another.
For me the whole idea of the tilt is that my whole arm is in a straight line from shoulder to the end of fingertips. This makes a lot of things easier. All the joints (wrist, shoulder) you need to angle too much while playing will cause problems with playing and/or tension (and yes playing the piano while sitting down is a whole another ballgame). Ofcourse like we see in the photo on the first post I would need to stand straight to make this happen, so usually there is a little angle in there somewhere. Also I think since the photo has been taken my stand has been adjusted to a little lower position.
Hope this helps.


Thanks Mr.JW

This is what I was trying to get a cross.
No unnecessary tilting of joints is what I always tought the keyboard fellers were trying to accomplish, with the tilted keyboard.

Sorry for the thread hijack...

First.. thanks for the fantastic gig at Oulu last weekend.

Was there some trouble with your Monitor/PA equipment as I heard a distinctive sound of "electircity" in your mic and saw that you kept asking for more volume for your monitor?
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Do your wrists get tired when typing on your computer keyboard for hours? No. Same logic applies to the keyboard, you need a comfortable angle for the wrists and arms. Janne needs to have a steep angle so the crowd can see. What do I know, ask him. My left wrist gets jammed when trying to play guitar tho.. Good luck with your kamasutra man!

Well... ahem.

Read few posts up and you'll see that he already replied.
Wow! Thank you for all the advice! (Especially you, Janne :headbang:)

I will surely be playing around with this. I'll update with any changes I make, in case someone down the line finds this thread looking for advice.

This may seem like a weird comment.. but seeing the bra on Janne's keyboard (in the photo of my original post) reminds me of my setup. The stand didn't go as low as I wanted, and I had to hold it in place by wrapping a chain around that same part. I doubt the bra is used for that, though, since it would be pretty weak.

Thanks again!
I've been having more luck with it recently. I think I just needed to figure out the proper height and tilt, and then just get used to playing it. BTW- here is a picture of me playing it the other night, at our album release show.

If you want to listen too, that's cool. It's not really in the Children of Bodom genre, but the CoB keyboards have always influenced my playing a bit. Free listen to the album here: )

Thanks for the responses!

Man, what keyboard stand are you using? It's very low, which is exactly what I need. The Proline one can only go so low, and I have to lift my hands thereby not leaving them relaxed. Please please tell me what stand you're using!
