KFC (Canada)

I think you're taking it abit seriously Beave.

But you must realize that KFC represents everything sickens me about humanity. Taking that into consideration i think my criticisms have been relatively mild. ;)

I see what you mean. And I must say, we seem to think quite alike. Well but for KFC: That's sort of a mirror how we humans think: Let's make everything working for us, recklessly of what comsequences it might have... for anyone. Sad but true, somehow. I mean it for the meat/food industry as for the music industry as for most likely everything.

Yes, I believe i know exactly what you mean, and i've been thinking about it. Unfortunately i've been having trouble putting my thoughts into words lately (and here you can probably do it in two languages :notworthy.), but needless to say i think we're on the same page, so to speak. :)

Maybe i'll be able to think clearer once this St. Paddy's day weekend is over. I still got lots of drinkin' to do in honor of my Celtic side.:D
Hahaha..yeah, the whole green beer thing is a bit much for me. Real Irish find it a bit amusing how far Americans take it. But hey, i guess its the spirit of it all that matters, eh? It's all good fun.

On that note, I crack beer #3, let it's pungent ferment pass my lips, slip
lazily towards the porous, absorptive recesses of my viscera and bid you adieu. I'm off to the bars!
Well, a good thing about black/death metal is that it's unlikely it will ever be palatable to the masses. Only a very small percentage of people in the general populace (which naturally includes members of this forum ;)) have the good taste and refined sensibilities necessary to enjoy and appreciate music of this genre, so it'll never go mainstream. Praise the fucking lord.

But corporations such as KFC literally treat animals like living garbage, and that shit just ain't cool.

So yeah...fuck KFC.