KFC - Got Chicken. Got Soul


The Truth Seeker
Mar 14, 2003
Planet Earth
There was a thread sometime ago in which someone mentioned that UPN should have KFC sponsoring them because of the amount of 'black' programming.

Watching the adverts this morning (on UK TV) I was left laughing after watching a KFC advert depicting a black family all eating KFC. The advert is set in the living room of the family sat around watching TV and eating a KFC family meal. They even had a Grandma and Grandpa character asleep on the sofa after eating the meal. KFC (UK) have actually found their target audience and capitalising on it....Finger licking good :)

The funniest thing is the tag line...KFC. Got Chicken. Got Soul.

I think UPN should take the UK example and exploit their channel to the full potential. :)
I really enjoy those boneless honey bbq wings from KFC.

Did anyone see those ads that have since been pulled about KFC chicken being low on carbs? There was a guy eating a bucket telling his buddy that he's on a diet. It was amazing...
To be honest KFC sucks. The pieces of chicken you actually get contain more fat than actual edible meat. I swear to God that the meat is actually Rat meat.

Jaykeeley to this day still thinks that KFC make the best fries on the planet. He swears by them and will actually drive to McDonalds to buy a burger and then KFC for the fucking fries.

And he wears Hair-Glo. :)

What a gypsy.
KFC kicks ass, their mashed potatos are only beaten by homemade. Got Chicken. Got Soul. That's awesome. :lol:

I hope the worthless cunt running over the McDonald's employee rots, but I must agree that mayo on a burger is essential.
bloodfiredeath said:
Hey... if it takes a few people I don't know being run over to get mayo on their burgers... I'm all for it!
"The streets shall flow with the blood of the nonbelievers..."

Honestly I don't know how anyone can stand McDougle's, that is some terrible fucking food! That meat cannot be real, it just cannot be! :ill:
McDonalds is not my favorite fast food place by any means, but it has it's place. The breakfast sandwiches kick ass, along with the hash browns. Filet o fish are good, and big macs are ok.

Mayo is essential for burgers, fries, what have you...
The only thing 'll tolerate at McD's are the fries and chicken mcnuggets. I refuse to eat their hamburger meat. Fucking soy burgers. Their breakfast items are OK, but nothig compared to Burger King, Whataburger or Chick Fil A.

I can tolerate a little mayo on some sandwiches, but I prefer mustard or just have it dry. Mayo on fries? I give you this:

I dunno, I didn't go into Burger
King. You know what they put
on french fries in Holland instead
of ketchup?



God damn!

I seen 'em do it, man, they fuckin drown 'em in that shit.

mayonnaise is the worst condiment out of the three main ones. It smells bad even when it's still edible, and it looks like...well...you know.
Mayo with hotdogs is great, in bun form anyhow. I can't believe you said adding something to a hotdog is gross, sort of ironic when you think about what a hotdog actually is. :lol:

I don't care about the phallic reference, when something is that fucking good it doens't matter how homoerotic it seems. Mayo owns.
'tis true, I do think KFC fries rule, but only in the UK. The KFC fries in the US suck - they're these horrible big potato chunks. And the sweet potato fries are possibly the most vile thing I have ever seen - even covered in brown sugar. WTF?

But then, the US is the country where you have eggs, bacon, sausage, and MAPLE SYRUP all on the same plate at the same time. What is this madness?

Mayo rules. Turkey in a sandwich? Add mayo. Chicken in a bun? Add mayo.

And for the record, I do NOT wear Soul Glo in my hair. Well, not anymore I don't. :D
Have you tried it? I once too thought it was a foolish thing, but tried it once and will never go back. I'm not talking heaping amounts or anything, just a little on the bun.

Besides, mayo is just oil anyhow, it's not much different than using butter to greaze it up a bit.