I had Cokes with ASHLEE SIMPSON and CRAZYTOWN and all I got were these lousy pictures


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
okay, so.

we went to Six Flags New England (ex-Riverside) for the day because my friends/roommates were opening for ASHLEE SIMPSON (and CRAZYTOWN, it turns out) and had the hook-up.

as usual, Riverside was full of crazy white trash. here is Bill posing by a car we saw in the parking lot that reminded me of those guys who have terrible 1994-era tribal tattoos all up and down both arms:


the first half of the day was spent waiting in giant lines for rides like SUPERMAN: THE RIDE OF STEEL--up to 1.5 hours of waiting at some points, and the lines weren't even as long as they could be! holy shit.

then we went to see our friends play. since like 3pm, this giant horde of little girls had been queuing up outside the show area so they could be first to see ASHLEE SIMPSON.



i was like "man, that's an awful lot of pink" and Bill was like "you're disgusting".

my friends took the stage and played.


there was a ton of little-girl EEEEEEEing especially when they namedropped Ashlee which was kind of hilarious.

after they were done they went to sign autographs and got kind of swarmed.



there were still two bands to go before Ashlee (Renata and Crazytown) so we took off to hit some more rides.

since Dan was with us, he had this personal valet dude from Riverside who took us to whatever ride we wanted and walked us to the front because we were his "entourage". we even skipped in front of the Fast Lane passholder people. at one point we were getting off a ride (the Batman coaster) and just as we got out of the coaster, Ashlee and her entourage came and took our places. they were all Hot Topicked up but seemed pretty nice.

we went on all the good rides a few times over the course of the next hour....Superman, Batman, the free-fall...sometimes people would give us dirty looks when we stepped by them, and sometimes they would wave. honestly, i never want to wait in a line at an amusement park again...i'm spoiled.

we then went back to the music area in perfect time to miss all of Crazytown except for the last song. we went backstage with Dan and here my pictures kind of evaporate because you weren't really supposed to take pics backstage. we were hanging out about ten feet from Ashlee Simpson while she prepared to go on and drinking free Cokes. Crazytown left the stage and i tried to surreptitiously snap some pictures without the flash, but ended up with nothing good. i really wanted a picture of me and the guy from Crazytown so i could call this thread "PICTURES OF ME AND CRAZYTOWN" but i just couldn't swing it with the camera backstage. after hanging out a bit, the lead dude went out to sign the breasts of 14-year-old girls (i'm not kidding) and hug them with a shit-eating, Sugar-Ray-like grin on his face.


(i got this one by standing outside the backstage area and snapping)

then came time for Ashlee to go on. here's a crappy video i took sneakily of her (in all black) walking to the stage.


and here is her performing. again, sneakily taken:


as we were watching her, this girl with a pass on comes up to bill and is like "WHO ARE YOU? YOU HAVE TO LEAVE." and summoned a security guard. so we all were kicked (including some band girlfriends who had passes and had every right to be there; apparently Ashlee's people had grown concerned that there were too many people milling around backstage and had told the Riverside girl to conduct a purge).

so six of us got kicked out. since two of us were black, including the guy who drew the attention of everyone in the first place, Bill indignantly proclaimed that he had been busted for SWB (Standing While Black) and Ashlee's people must have been worried that some robbery was about to take place. additionally, since kicking us out made the entire backstage area completely white (except for one of the guys from Crazytown), it was not inaccurate to say that they racially cleansed the backstage. i didn't even see any Asians other than Aysha.

in the end, the day was quite fun, and the personal line-jumping valet guy was an awesome touch. Ashlee's performance was, of course, terrible; even her single was completely off-key. but we weren't there to see good music, were we?
Once a year, I call up my crippled-ish friend and we go to Six Flags. He gets a reserved time for some super popular ride, I disappear until ten minutes before, then go find him.
a friend of mine has a (very mild) seizure disorder, but since she has a medi-alert bracelet, she gets to head straight to the front of all lines at amusement parks.