
Oct 7, 2006
Is an Arabic rock band in Israel.Band members are arabs and the lyrics is also in Arabic.
until now they produced one cd and toured israel.
Khalas is not using their songs to criticize Israelis or Jews. Their criticism is directed toward Arab society.

here is their website
here is their myspace page.

They managed to sign with the israeli label "Primary Music" which is the representitive of the international lable "EMI" in israel.
no man......are you kidding?

this is OL's forum!!!
the only place where all people are equel !

it is interesting!
(even if they criticized israel......)
yeah...i'm totally not open minded and i'm totally leaving this forum forever as soon as I hear the word arabs.
I also don't trust the arab that sells my mom bagles every morning because he can poison her.

we don't hate arabs...we hate terrorists