Kick ass metal drummers


New Metal Member
Jan 12, 2007
is what we are looking for. Uriah is currently looking for a drummer. Go to to get an idea of our music. We have SEVERAL record label interests, will appear on FUSE tv in early 2007, are finishing up our full length album, just finished a music video produced by Penthouse, etc. We have a LOT of our plate right now, so we would need a drummer who is serious about music and the band, and is willing to tour. If you dig the music or are interested, shoot us a message. Pussies, posers, pop lovers, etc. need not apply.
your music sucks and you look like panic at the disco, go advertise at the bullet for my valentine boards or something.
If you don't have something usefull to say about this then SHUT UP, what's the use in just insulting him, you don't even know him

I think Conti's post was quite useful, telling them to advertise elsewhere is definitely good advice. Mine on the other hand was a cheap shot, which I don't apologise for because I looked at their gay myspace page and was subjected to their awful music and I can never get that time back or erase the horrid memory.
ok, I will:

the singing:
1. the singer needs to work on his breathing, sometimes he seems to have too little breath and is gasping at some points.

2. You're trying to growl but it needs to sound deeper, practice helps

some other info:
1. I find it not all too, the rest of the ppl in this thread just don't like nu-metal that much, you sound like Trivium and they don't like that, don't worry, there are plenty of ppl who do.

2. I've heard a few songs so far and I've got one big remark with one: in "letters in blood" I hear piano in the middle of the song, REMOVE IT, it doesn't fit in.

there we go, happy now?

and I was saying that I greatly support new bands because they have the guts to do something while others want to but don't even try.
these guys are like my age. maybe older. if they were children i'd give them an A for effort. as it is, they have neither A) potential nor B) potential. you can't cuddle a stillborn back to life.

this guy also is never going to check here. he made like 15 of this same post, as he doubtless did on 50 other boards. so why the fuck can't we make fun of it. shut up.
now that's what I mean with you guys not liking nu-metal, you don't respect the music genre and would think of everything to just beat it down.

but I must say you are right about him making that many posts but he is just trying to advertise his band, trying to get known a bit more. That does not give you the right to break him down
it's not nu-metal, first off. i dunno about belgium, but in america "nu-metal" has been dead for 4 or 5 years. trivium is not a nu-metal band. :rolleyes:

second, they're a joke. they're not "ok". they aren't bubbling with creative possibilites that just haven't come to the surface yet. they are making the best music they could possibly make, and it's lame. i listen to more catchy music that you, this guy, and Mister fucking Rodgers combined. it's not about the style. it's about the suck.

so stfu and talk shit like everyone else.
then why did the deftones just bring out a new album? they are also nu-metal. Same goes for Stone Sour.
and what would you classify trivium as?

why don't you give decent exaples from their music to clarify what exactly makes them shit?

And that's just the problem with me, I'm not like everyone else, I'm not in the herde of ppl who talk shit about bands just because they think they're not good enough, it's lame and retarded
yeah dude you're totally fucking unique because you're trying to make friends with a shit band that you'll never meet.



1. the beginning
2. the middle
3. the end

i don't have to list the fine points of why a big turd is worse than a snickers bar... i don't have to sample the nuts, as it were, to know it's shit.
I'm not trying to make friends with anyone, if someone likes me, that's fine, if they don't, I don't care. I'm just going against the lack of respect in this world.

those are not clear exaples. What is wrong with the beginning, the middle and the end? Are you really too retarded to give me something better than that?
i just don't really care.

me trying to explain to you why they suck is like me trying to explain to them why they suck... it's not gonna sink in. if you were capable of ever understanding what's wrong with them, you wouldn't be defending them in the first place.