Kick Drum Issues


New Metal Member
Oct 2, 2011
Hopefully someone can help me out. I'm using joeys samples just through aptrigga. The bottom end of my kick drum tends to boom for too long. I've tried a few different things but it's just not right enough an messes with the mix especially bass guitar. I usually reference my mixes back to my car stereo as its pretty dope with my sub setup and listening to all my frequencies. Anyone had similar problems or know of anything I can do differently. I'm happy to upload a clip somewhere but I don't know how to do that lol n00b assss...
hard to tell without a clip, but a few things to try in no specific order:

1. Gate/transient designer to kill sustain

2. Multiband compressor to tame the low end

3. eq out the probelm frequency

i often have this issue with toms and i tend to go for a transient designer and cut the sustain right down.
it has to be one that has the sustain control. for example the one built into slate digital trigger or the cubase envelope shaper. i know waves transx does not have sustain controls.

EDIT: but now that i think about it raising the attack and lowering the volume of the result should yeild similar results
joeys kick is already compressed and processed. so i wouldnt recommend comping it more, just do a slight low shelf and knock it down a little bit.
Why does that mean you cannot at least try it? :Smug:

The MMI snare sounds amazing when compressed :)

i didnt say you couldnt try it, just that i wouldnt recommend it. you can get just as amazing sounds with transient designers and eq
Thanks for all the tips. I have tried many things with these samples. Compress or not to compress, eq a few different ways. I want the bottom end to be there obviously and be big but it's just not punchy enough. I'll try all these things and hopefully get a track up somewhere, (even if it's a Facebook bandpage) so everyone can give their two cents.
If you tried all you can on the kick and it's not working then maybe the problem isn't in your kick. Forget the kick and look at everything else. Check you bass. Maybe the problem is in the bass and not the kick ;)
I fixed the problem! So basically, I took the sample. Cut it and faded out the actual .wav file, bounced it as a Hogg quality audio file and used it in aptrigga. Thanks for all the tips and quick responses!