Kick drum "tightness"

Moonlapse said:
I'm wondering, do you guys ever use bass enhancement plug-ins like the Waves Rbass, to help bring those lower fundamentals out, or do you just go with the classic EQ?

funny you mention that, earlier today I was messing with a song I recorded a few days ago and was fiddling with the bass track (or in my case, pitch-shifted guitar, ahhh need a bass!!) anyways, i had already EQ'ed and compressed the bass a bit, but wanted to see what RBass could do for it.. i had it set very moderately, but all I seem to get was my low-end going all wacky, jumping around alot.

i guess it could work for some things, but I'd much rather stick to EQ/Comp first and see where I'm at..
Moonlapse said:
I'm wondering, do you guys ever use bass enhancement plug-ins like the Waves Rbass, to help bring those lower fundamentals out, or do you just go with the classic EQ?

Rbass alters the balance of the lower order harmonics from sub overtones to 2nd and 3rd order harmonics which can make the sound honkier or more hornlike for a more pc term. :-) I think both r bass and maxxbass are great if used in moderation as they tend to increase boom.

I think so long as you clearly define which low end instrument is taking up which space lowest or second lowest then all will be good. If it is a fast paced track the laws of physic dictate to me that lots of low end will just muddy the sound and become a blur. With down tuned shit - throw the book out the window and fuck around til you get it right - its kind of new territory and bands like meshuggah opt for illusion rather than reality - the bass is promonant in the low mid and the kick is very metal and not at all subby which anything between 50-80 will be.
cobhc said:
Man, a bit OT here, but I forgot how fucking kick ass your band are moose, listening now hehe \m/

I deserve none of that credit - it's all Acle Kahney from Milton Keynes - I've just joined the band as the live bassist, we may do some writing in the future but Acle has something right going on and my experience tells me to lay my ego aside and see where he can take the band - I'll always be there to add if needs be but he has a hypervision for the whole picture which I respect.

I'm very much looking forward to taking the band live early next year - it already sounds awesome with just me, Acle and J on drums. A young band with great potential.

Cheers anyway!:lol:
Moonlapse said:
I'm wondering, do you guys ever use bass enhancement plug-ins like the Waves Rbass, to help bring those lower fundamentals out, or do you just go with the classic EQ?

Sub-harmonic synthesiser plug-ins are good for filling in bottom end when you have a lack lustre bass track but I prefer to use a decent bass tone to start with and bust out some good old EQ.
Thanks for the tips everyone, this is turning out to be a really cool thread.

moose209 said:
For me the attack of a kick nearly always comes from finding the balance of the thump and very small top end regions around 4 and 7k

I've always tried to pull the attack from a small top end region as well, but I A/Bed my drums against "Doomsday Machine" the other day just to try to unlock the Sneap kick drum secret a bit, and I found that the attack sounds more natural (but still appropriate for a metal mix) when I start a shelf from much lower, even like 1000hz...but I'm talking like a 1 or 2dB boost. That way you can have less of the really extreme, shrill sounding clickiness, but still have the attack cut through as it needs to. I doubt it's a general rule kind of thing, but I'm liking it a lot on this specific project!
I think the attack and release settings make a bigger difference than people often give credit for. I have been playing around with these a lot recently, and it can really make the drums stand out. Its easy enough to do, just play with them untill you are happy with the sound. I also gate the Kick drum - this can give it a punchy sound, by taking away a bit of the flabbyness.

As far as EQ with me goes, Ill do whats required, but Ill always cut out 300-800Hz, to open it up, and most of the time Ill boost between 4 and 6kHz for some more clicking. If it needs more bass, I tend to boost around 80- 100Hz. I think its important to remember to only do it, if it sounds like it needs doing. With drums its easy to get into a routine of doing the same processes to it.