kick drum to midi or edit???


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
fixing kick drum when it hits like off beat, what is the best way to go about this like if drummer is running his kicks and fumbles a bit.

Would getting the kick to midi and edit in midi be the best way to get constant on beat kicks and stuff??

I'm just wondering the different ways to fix this so when we record every drum beat may not be perfect and i could see wasting way way to much time trying to get every kick perfect on recording. If there is a reasonable way to do this in mixing i would much rather.

someone point me in the right direction please :notworthy
depends how bad it is...
if its really tech pedal work and he cant get it with the click, and theres no way they can, start reducing the ammount of kicks they play;

so if they can hold a back beat, you just program in the gaps;

worse case scenario they play hands only and you program the lot

oh what fun that is
. id say chop the kick track into each hit and align it to the grid for now
ok to chop each hit and align with grid would i have to up the tempo, for grid sake, if he is running feet pretty fast.

im using protools if that means anything.
I usually replace kicks 100%. That being the case, if there is a particularly choppy section here and there I will thump it in with my fingers on the grille of a hot SM58, the thumps will get replaced just as well as a recorded kick drum. Plus, that way I can actually listen to the rest of the track and try and mantain the feel of the original...minus the mistakes. Works like a charm.

Of course you need Drumagog or some sound replacer...and also if there's alot of kick drum bleed in your other mics you may have a problem.