Why even mic a kick drum?

you'll find out that this doesnt matter, at all, later on.


Final sound = final sound.

If final sound = good, then it's a win. I tend to replace everything with my own samples of my own kit, or the drummers kit anyways. Same drums, same mics, same pres as would be used normally, I just prefer ZERO bleed for my drum tracks. At least for kick, snare and toms.
Maybe it doesn't matter to you, that doesn't mean it doesn't matter to Dollarosa. You might take different approaches to be satisfied with your work. Nothing wrong with that.
great to hear!!!!
do you know the DDRUM DDRSKIT RED SHOT TRIGGER SET? it´s very cheap.
This could be the next thing on my to-buy-list:)

Been hearing that they suck construction-wise. Either get the PRO version which has a much better and convenient construction, or just buy some piezo mics and tape 'em to your heads... which will cost you like a few bucks :D

I just think you'll regret the Red Shots later on, that's atleast what I've heard, I haven't tried them myself.