Kick Drum Treatment, and why I feel like an idiot


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
I don't know why, but I've never bothered to use an 'expander' on a kick drum.

Well I feel like a f00king n00b right now. They are REALLY good for cleaning up the overemphasised resonance of a kick drum.

Check it out: - Without - With

In the without clip, you can hear how ringy the kick is, and how much of the toms resonating with the kick drum you hear. In the with clip, you can hear how it's tighter and less mushy in the low end.

I feel like a right cock for only just discovering this now. Not saying it's the holy grail of tools, just one more tool in the box. But definitely good to know this.

Edited due to a labeling retardation :)
I'm just bearing in mind that once I add bass, I really don't want or need those resonance 'tails' to be present at all in the kick drum channel, nor the toms if I'm honest.

I'm going for quite a tight drum sound, as the drums are quite technical in places - lots of rolls too.