Kick that dead horse one more time

Trixxi Trash said:
New Tattoo isn't too bad. It has enough good songs to keep it interesting (Hell On High Heels, 1st Band On The Moon, She Needs Rock & Roll, Punched In The Teeth, Treat Me Like The Dog I Am, Fake). Hell of a lot better than Generation Swine!!!!

I like it better than self titled too, Hooligan's Holiday is the only standout for me on that album, and it's not Motley Crue. Even Sixx has said they should've released it under a different name - I agree. Not a Crue album. Not a bad album, but not my thing either. I agree its a better album than New Tattoo, but New Tattoo is more my thing and I like it better.
New Tattoo wasn't horrible, but being that Mike Clink was involved & they had a decent drummer in Randy Castillo, it wasn't what I was expecting. I like the demo version of Fisrt Band & Porno better, they had more of the attitude present that the final product.
Hooligan's Holiday is aone hell of a track, eveything was there, a catchy chorus, strong vocal performance, great rock guitar & Tommy Lee is playing his ass off on that record. Poison Apples, is fucking great, I like how Nikki added Mott the Hoople as a last minute replacement in the lyrics, it makes no sense, but they kept it & it fits the track. Till Death To Us Part is another great track, with a Zepp feel to it, Smoke the Sky, a crunchy number with killer drumming by Tommy Lee. I love the record, so I could go on & on.:grin:
I think the only unfortunate thing about the New Tattoo record, Randy wasn't used to his best of his abilities & is restrained....
He didn't get a chance to tour behind the record, due to his illness...
And his ultimate death as a result.
I saw his behind the kit in '98 & even live he wasn't given a chance to
"hit one home," I saw him with Ozzy in '92 & I know the guy put on one hell of a show. I just can't understand, what the deal was? If the band held him back, shame on them, he deserved the chance to shine. His drumming
was mediocre at best & I knew he could have added him own touch to the Crue classics.
Yeah Randy Castillo was a kick ass drummer... you see him on the Ultimate Ozzy video? ... very underrated drummer... what is it with Ozzy and guys named Randy that drop like flies? lol ...
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
I know they suck now but they didn't at one time in history... don't make me take those pins out and stick them in another head.. will give a whole new meaning to the name Pinhead lol jkk :tickled: ... :rolleyes:
And I guess that too many here Motley Crue didn't either. The main difference is that some bands decided to suck or left themselves to suck out of idleness. With good ol' Lar$ and the juglers, was a matter of hard working study in the case on how to suck big time!

I did it, I did it, I kick the dead horse once again :hotjump: :loco: