kid's toy commercial about growing up too fast...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
so im watching tv and i see some playskool commercial advertising some random kids toy. the basic gist of the commercial was that the kid was having fun playing with her toy, some guy was telling her about how she needed to think about college and a resume, and the kid continued to have fun playing with her toy, which is why people should buy it for their kids. lame commercial, but it made me think nonetheless.

are we as a society realizing that there's too much of an emphasis on having a uniform future that allows for some kind of commercially-dictated idea of success based on where you go to school, where you work, and what you can then buy for what kind of family you're supposed to have?
are we finally realizing just how early we're imposing adult pressures on children?

dunno... thought i'd get other people's thoughts...
We're both, and the former isn't going to stop until our suicide, jobless, and homeless rates hit alarming proportions I think.
so im watching tv and i see some playskool commercial advertising some random kids toy. the basic gist of the commercial was that the kid was having fun playing with her toy, some guy was telling her about how she needed to think about college and a resume, and the kid continued to have fun playing with her toy, which is why people should buy it for their kids. lame commercial, but it made me think nonetheless.

are we as a society realizing that there's too much of an emphasis on having a uniform future that allows for some kind of commercially-dictated idea of success based on where you go to school, where you work, and what you can then buy for what kind of family you're supposed to have?
are we finally realizing just how early we're imposing adult pressures on children?

dunno... thought i'd get other people's thoughts...

of course we do, but over the decades i think we have gotten a lot more lenient. if you think western societies pressure their offsprings into a social norm, you should check out some asian cultures. it's sickening. parents have god-like presence and status on the other side of the ocean.
of course we do, but over the decades i think we have gotten a lot more lenient. if you think western societies pressure their offsprings into a social norm, you should check out some asian cultures. it's sickening. parents have god-like presence and status on the other side of the ocean.
it's all pretty sad.

obviously westernization has both done damage and made improvements as far as how it's effected people's ideas of personal freedom. over here, we don't go to school year-round and our education isn't based on being the best, but we're also the only place that has such a high percentage of suicides, drop outs, emotional disorders, etc.

*sighs again*
I'm generally a proponent of having people grow the fuck up faster. Not saying everyone has to follow the same path as if there is only one kind of adult you can be, but there are certain criteria you need to be able to meet in your first two decades of life.
I'm the black sheep who farts in society's general direction. Extremely intelligent and could make a big impression in life, but, I'd rather be lazy and entertain myself first. :)