Something you might want to think about

Buddy "Baby talk bully" Hinton was violated extensively. His last request was to be given death, and we we're happy to oblige. After we had a little more fun with his body he was executed by means of orrficial rodential entrapment. Took awhile, but a vital organ was finally chewed through. Thanks to those of you who sent cards and gift baskets.
I didn't say I was done posting, just not on the Nevermore forum unless the topic was somehow interesting. Besides, the other profile was registered to the wrong email address.

Yeah I know I was being stupid. Everyone has their bad days. Just forget it.
metropolis did get his ass raped in serveral threads as i remember...

humor is great, i love to joke around. But to do it to intentionally piss someone off is not right, either because they listen to a band that to you, sucks and is gay or something else.

i dunno, a lot of members here don't come back anymore, maybe because people here are assholes.

i say if you can't take a joke, or get offended easily, this is not the place for you. i agree with everything that El Stormo said