Something you might want to think about

But you know... being an asshole to n00bs on an internet forum does have its upside. For instance, this is a very true story:

I was venturing the lonely dirt sidewalks on the most dark of nights. I ran into a very voluptuous female-being sitting on the most flat of wooden benches. She stared deep into my eyes with a rhinoceros' fury and then began to speak.

“You! You're EricT! The man whom hails from The Neverboard!”

Flabbergasted that one would recognize my excellence in the dark of this night, I said nothing.

“You're an unmitigated asshole to many a n00b. I know this as fact. It was told to me by The Great Wizard!”

I responded, “Yes, my fair lady, it is I. The one known as EricT on The Neverboard.” She looked at me with an excited expression upon her face.

“It must be the gods who placed us together on this most dark of nights.” By this time she had begun to lay upon her back on the most flat of wooden benches. “I need your help oh great one. You see, I have not been satisfied in many a moon.” I looked at her interested. “I sought help from The Great Wizard and he told me of your mighty existence.”

“Mighty Existence?”

“Yes! Your reputation precedes you, oh great one. It was told by The Great Wizard that a man would appear to me, a man whom is an unmitigated asshole to n00b-kind.”

“It is true that I am an unmitigated asshole to many a n00b, but there are others too!”

“That also is true, but, the others do not have your wild curly hair, and dare I mention your mastery of wit!”

I agreed.

“And now, for you, my snatch is like the mighty river Nile!”

I dropped my britches and began to do my thing.

“What bands sound like Nevermore!?”, she screamed as I kneaded her under areas like a fresh bread dough.

“Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out you dumb cunt!” My screaming this sent the woman into the first of several climaxes.

“Do you know when the Nevermore DVD is coming out!? What are you now playing!? STUCK MOJO IS GREAT!” I screamed a few more poorly thought out insults at her, to which she responded with high pitched screeches of pleasure for each.

After 128 continuous hours of plowing her fields, and 872 of her climaxes, I decided it was time to release my seed.

I had my soldier retreat from her southern battlefield. I moved his location to the upper reaches, and proceeded to unleash liter after liter of my extremely viscous fluid upon her brow. Drenched in my marshmallow pudding and beady sweat, she bid me farewell, and went off into the sunset.

Now you know why it pays to be a dick on an internet forum.

And if you doubt that this story is true, ask Max, he was there.

By far your greatest post.
As in real life people are entitled to dislike other people.

I don't recall ever being harshly treated when I first arrived, neither do I recall Russell, Lad or any other assorted new persons being treated so.

In short, if you're not a tit, you generally don't get treated like one.
Unlock Tee's now playing thread Will, that one deserves to remain open. And my nature is to attack and ridicule new kids through the gauntlet, especially if they irritate me. And when I see a bashing and need something to do, I'll squeal with glee and join. This I will not change, for it is my way on the board and has been for years.
Well, I figured the sort of explosion would happen no matter what. It's just called meeting new people. You see, we came from, because that's where our band forum is. Metalhordes is on a much smaller scale, and we've been there and used to it for awhile. So it was alot different coming to this site, didn't expect such rapid replies and so many different members, who are on like all the time responding. While I do like the size of this forum, arguments are inevitable. So you just take it on the chin and move on. We're all here because we love music, so we can just side with music.
U, Unregistered!


James is in <3 with Luca Turilli, writes witty poems,
got my bosom wrapped up in a Rhapsody t-shirt and
now there's no one on board to call Skaterboy, these days.
Okay, everyone here was a noob at some point. And we all were either not dumb enough to get harassed, or endured the hazing until we proved ourselves to be less idiotic.

Anyone who bitches about it deserves a swift trip to the waahmbulance.
U, Unregistered!


James is in <3 with Luca Turilli, writes witty poems,
got my bosom wrapped up in a Rhapsody t-shirt and
now there's no one on board to call Skaterboy, these days.

if its the metalskater fag, he sound like a dick
Okay, everyone here was a noob at some point. And we all were either not dumb enough to get harassed, or endured the hazing until we proved ourselves to be less idiotic.

Anyone who bitches about it deserves a swift trip to the waahmbulance.

Why go to it when you can ride in it?
I agree with El Stormo. Sure I've done my share of noob bashing on other forums in which I have been involved with for a long time, but I never brought it to the point where I was just being an asshole.

I have reviewed some of these locked threads, and I agree with El Stormo.
i can't believe you made a giant essay speech, either. you're a fucking loon.
Sure, I am a crazy bastard - but at least I am not taking out my pent-up frustrations on the Internet.

i'm with El Stormo. After a while it gets very pathetic. the ritual of initiation thing is pretty much OK, but after a while it gets annoying and it annoys more people than just the new guy. Also the elementary school bullying analogy is pretty much valid.
Exactly. Nothing wrong with letting them sweat a little, but it has to stop somewhere.

As in real life people are entitled to dislike other people.

In short, if you're not a tit, you generally don't get treated like one.
That is indeed how it should be, but this guy did nothing to deserve such hazing.
This is fucking stupid. You're bringing attention to an inane issue. Let people behave however they want to behave. So some new kids get scared away? It doesn't affect the band at all. It doesn't affect the board at all. What are you trying to be/prove? This place has a lot of gay emo, needless ego bashing once in a while is healthy.

And where do you put your pent-up frustrations? On your girl? Friends?
I think the internet is a great, safe place to let frustration seethe.
Personally, I don't get very frustrated.

Edward resisted the hazing poorly. Then he complained publicly. Then he through a hissy fit and changed his stats to tell us all to fuck off and die. I clearly spotted the dark emo heart in Edward early on and sure enough it came through for all in the end.

You would know all this if you were a SENIOR member.
What are those, scallops with a beard, hat and drool all over their shirt? I can see a kid's show coming from this.