Kilk Music Online!!!


Vehemence Worshiper
Sep 16, 2002
I posted this already, but the server crashed, so it got knocked out, I only saw John's post if anybody posted and wants to post it again or something

I suggest "I Here Now Lie" but they are all good. We are planning on recording a full length in the summer, which will be a big improvement on this stuff, which is already cool.

Tell me what you think even if you don't like it, I am cool with helpful criticism...
man, this is pretty damn good. I might be interested in that full length when it gets made. My only (minor) complaints are that its hard to hear the vocals (which sound very nathan-ish from what i can tell, a definite plus), and the drums sound kinda funky, but the drumming is nonetheles very good.
Quality stuff :rock:
Well, we have a new vocalist now, and another rhythm guitarist, except we will now share lead/rhythm. We recorded it with Will Solares, the guy who did Helping The World To See. Our new vocalist is the same guy from Fall of Empyrean / Occision / Nuctemeron. He decided to help us out since I helped out Fall of Empyrean by joining as keyboardist (when in truth I was really helping myself because I thought they were awesome)
Your a tight keyboard player in FOE, your band was recorded with Will? Ah cool I didnt know that, turned out cool, looking forward to hearing more stuff from you guys, and seeing ya live sometime here in AZ. Not bad for some 14-15 yr olds it is safe to say?
Hey, we've grown up. We're 17 and 18 years old now... We started as 15/16 year olds. Ofcourse big 'ol Rich is 33.
Perhaps we should set up another show when you aren't touring. You can just email or IM me if you want to.

Thanks for the keyboard compliment
you guys arent half bad, though the recording isnt the best, i still think you guys pulled it off quite nicely. I usually go in with a poor state of mind when it comes to ok recordings, but i found myself headbanging when the guitars and drums picked up.