Killer ... help!


Glam Overlorde of Spandex
Jan 24, 2006
Africa's Crotch
Hello all :cool:,

Hope someone can help. Recently got hold of some old albums by a band called Killer. The albums are: 'Ready For Hell', 'Wall Of Sound' and 'Broken Silence'. Now these all sound like it is from the same outfit, very NWOBHM'ey. But now also included is an album called 'Young Blood' - this sounds nothing like the others and I doubt it is the same band. This has more soaring vocals, like early power metal. I have searched the web to find out if there are/were two bands that had the Killer moniker. There is mention of a Swiss band and I can't figure out if the other one is British or even Belgian...:loco:

Can someone please put me out of my misery and shed some light on this/these bands? I would like to learn more and get more albums by both.They are both excellent old school bands.:headbang:
Well, the first Killer you talk about defenitly is from Belgium, the other probably the Swiss version, although there are more 'killers'. The Belgian band formed in 1980, so is real oldschool. They are still alive and recently released "Broken Silence". I haven't heard it yet but it's said to be very good and also oldschool sounding. In a few weeks they will record a live album too...Album you are missing is "Shockwaves" (1983). Alot info is normally on the Mausoleum-records website but that's down for now...


(recording live cd)
10 € ENTRANCE (first 300 get free cd)
This night brings together 3 heavy metal bands for a night of true metal , Killer will be recording a live cd, so we want YOUR screams and shouts to be on the forthcominng live cd!! They will bring all the best of the 80's repertoire till now. Double Diamond and Crusader will defintely be a perfect warm up before Killer hits the stage.

DOORS OPEN 19.00 BEGIN 19.45
The albums: Ready for Hell, Wall of Sound and Broken Silence were all by the Belgian Killer, Here's a link to their website:

The Young Blood album was indeed by the Swiss Killer, for more info:,

As for being British, the only Killer I'm aware of would be Paul Di'Anno's Killers again here's a link for some more info:,

Hope this helps shed some light on the matter and by the way if you like Ready for Hell and Wall of Sound check out Shock Waves.:headbang:
Killer from UK, Bel, Che

Killers from Fra, UK
I saw them at the first edition of KIT festival, I remember the singer from DoomSword right aside of me headbanguing to Killer tunes :D

Later on, the Killer guys came into the crowd during a song, still playing their instruments. That was a cool moment from a cool band.
Wow .. thanks for all the replies and info, guys. It gives me direction at least ... :worship: I shall go and see if I can find 'Shockwavs'. And carnut, 'Broken Silence' kicks absolute ass ... so much more natured than their 80s stuff. :headbang:
Nothing's more natured than 80s stuff!
Broken Silence is good indeed but it isn't a typical Killer album, the production is too clean, overproduced (that's why to me it's not natured). Apart from that, they addad another member to the badn who plays the keyboard, an addition I don't like much.
But ehm, Broken Silence is rather old already, 3 years I guess. "Immortal" is their new album which I haven't heard yet. I did hear they removed the keyboard elements so I'll try to get it asap and tell you about it.
lol ok
(still disagree ;)

btw, I listened to the first couple of tracks from 'Immortal' and they kick MAJOR ass.
Get it if you can, it's better than Broken Silence already!
I have been wondering the same thing about the "Killers"
I recall have the AC DC sounding album way back amd loving it.
Anyone now where to find any?
I remember the Belgium bands albums, with band members names like "Spookey" lol
