Killer Mesa MK4 tone


Aug 2, 2007
I spent a few hours today with the MK4 into Mesa Recto cab.
The tone, presence, gain, graphic eq and switches on this amp make it capable of a huge variety of sounds. Tiny changes on the presence control or pulling the knob out completely reshape the tone.
The eq is pre gain and the presence and graphic are post gain.
I re-amped a recent session looking for attack and clarity without fizz and I think I nailed it. Straight into amp no boost.
None of my other amps (triple recto, 6505, triamp2, DSL100, 8100) are capable of cutting through the mix like the MK4. They all seem to squash the transient where the MK4 seems to push the attack through the mix.
What do you think?
Props on that tone!!! It's clear as a bell and really well-balanced. I'd also love to get details on mic/placement/post eq/ widening(if used). I own a MKV and haven't really had a chance to mic it up yet.
As Bryan says, different amp completely.
I have a 6505 too and while it works great for some things, it doesn't have the tightness and mid range attack that the MK4 has.
If this sound is what you have been looking for, it might be time to try and track down a used MK4.
They don't come cheap but are seriously worth it.
Mine is a 112 combo but I use it as a head running into my recto cab for metal stuff.
yes I know, i've tried today and the 6505 remains more chunky and sometimes fizzy.
it hits different spots in the tone
I'll try to find a good compromise between the two tones these days ;)
Props on that tone!!! It's clear as a bell and really well-balanced. I'd also love to get details on mic/placement/post eq/ widening(if used). I own a MKV and haven't really had a chance to mic it up yet.

Amp settings. Lead channel. Lead gain pulled and set to 8, treb 8, bass 2, mid 4, lead drive 7, pres pulled and set to 6, lead master 6 and main output vol to 3.
Full power, pentode, simul class, mid gain switched to harmonics.
Graphic set to classic v.
57 into API pre pointed straight at centre of cone then rotated away from centre until fizz is gone. Ended up slightly off axis pointing just past where the dustcap meets the cone. Hi pass 100, Lo pass 12k and a small notch at 4k. No widening or anything. Just slightly different graphic settings for left and right.