Killer "new" instrumental group.


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
It usually takes something unique (for my ears) to make me buy an instrumental record, but I just did with these guys. I would call this part of the "new era" of Metal - Djent-ish - but not your typical Djent stuff. Great melodies, licks, musicianship, etc. - check it out, really liking these guys:

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Those kids are very solid. I don't have a ton of patience for pure instrumental stuff, but these guys make the list.

And when you say "not typical djent" you mean it doesn't suck. Because statistically speaking, djent is terrible, lol.
But they're just children!!! ;) Younger than my own son!


This is pretty good shit. Really digging these two tracks. Though the flicking of the whammy bar may get a little old.........
Though the flicking of the whammy bar may get a little old.........

That actually makes me think of Vai a lot. He bashes that thing like a madman.

This is still probably my favorite tune of theirs:

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Yeah - I like that even though they seem (are!?) young they play with emotion, feeling - and even when they're shredding like nuts they make it say something (much like Romeo accomplished with his soloing).

EDIT: Seems like they're bout 21 now. Some of this is from 2 years ago (saw a mention on Metal Sucks). Crazy. He had a good description over there saying, "Think Guthrie Govan meets a more modest Periphey, sans vocals."
These lads are fantastic! They are ridiculously young, and ridiculously talented. I've seen them live twice and they do bring it all to the stage.

They are one of the few instrumental acts I still follow. There is tonnage of instrumental stuff out there, and when you start veering into the djentiverse, it gets really samey really quickly. These guys bring a lot of style and rise above the rest.
Fucking crazy that people this young can be so talented. But if you sit with a metronome shredding solos since you're 14, maybe this is where you end up at 21 years of age...
Those kids are very solid. I don't have a ton of patience for pure instrumental stuff, but these guys make the list.

And when you say "not typical djent" you mean it doesn't suck. Because statistically speaking, djent is terrible, lol.

I really dislike when people say this. There is some incredible 'djent' style stuff out there. Messugah, Periphery, After the Burial, etc.

But I wouldnt call this djent at all. That style needs 7 or 8 strings with that really low downtune. But it is awesome. they are great.
You realize I listen to a boatload of djent, right? So much so that Glenn recently made fun of me for it. At any rate, these kids take a lot of cues from the genre, even if they don't fit cleanly into that hole.
At any rate, these kids take a lot of cues from the genre, even if they don't fit cleanly into that hole.

Well, to be honest they really DON'T get into a lot of the rhythmic chugging that gives djent it's name. Just some really insane shredding. In places, they bring to mind Protest The Hero...sans vocals of course.

Djent = Guitarists who are frustrated drummers. :-D
I picked up the full album and have to revise my original "lumping in" to the Dent genre. There may be a couple blips here and there but all in all - I'd say Guthrie Govan with emphasis on the modern prog side of things vs. fusion. Great album.