Slowly warming up to some Djent stuff

I really enjoyed those Polyphia videos posted at the start of this thread. In places they reminded me of Steve Vai and Joe Satriani. I had no idea what "djent" was until reading this, but I do own the Animals As Leaders albums which I enjoy.

Happy that I've learnt something new...
I dont hear any djent in Polyphia.

Yea, i hear no djent there either.

I am submitting on the Djent label for these guys. I picked up the album and after digesting it a bit, this is indeed not Djent like I first "heard" when checking them out.

I'd call it a great, modern Prog Metal/Fusion-ish album - along the lines of Steve Vai meets Guthrie Govan. Really cool album.
Djent is kind of exciting until it overcomes a listener with its rat's nest of tropes. After that, at least for me, even material that was largely differentiated starts to sound same-y (some remarkable Djent-influenced jazz fusion albums, for example, are hard to even bring to mind). The web scene for it is so vast and the music so commodified that it seems like dozens of new projects are dropping releases every day, much like the Dubstep of 2011-13.

On the local level Djent gets really irritating unless a band is opening for a bigger act at a small to midsize theater. I won't mention any names but seeing a band at such odds with talented sound technicians really grinds my gears. Sure, go ahead and pin your "crappy tone" on the sound guy when you consciously decided to run your band completely through DI because it was trendy. Fuckin pr0, kids.