Killswitch Engage - My Curse clip


Aug 14, 2007
Found a really good tab for this today and thought I'd give it a shot. Found it really fucking challenging but had some fun playing the main riff. Here's a clip:
afxwinter - My Curse 1.mp3
I was trying to be careful not to muddy up the guitar but am a bit worried that they don't have as much balls as I'm used to since I compressed the palm mutes and dialed back the bass a bit on the guitar. Any help with that or the mix would be appreciated!
I played with the EQ on all the instruments some more and decided to try letting the bass occupy most of the 0-75hz instead of the kick drum. I also added some shimmer to the cymbals a bit boosting the 10ks. For the guitar I made the multi-band compressor a little more strict on the palm mutes and compensated by adding a bit of a low end boost after it in the chain. Does this sound like a better mix than the last one, and have I managed to remove the unwanted rumble? I can't hear it anymore on my speakers.
afxwinter - My Curse 2.mp3

One thing I don't like about this mix is that the kick drum doesn't seem as lively, I want it to sound like it jumps out a bit but not to muddy up the mix.
I like the second mix better. The kick sounds more consistent. Maybe a hair loud for my taste tho.
What did you use for drums?
Btw the only thing I didn't really like was the bass. There is just something odd about it especially in the beginning. It kinda sound out of tune or something.
those guitars fucking kick! please do tell how you achieved that sound!
i agree about the bass though, it sounds really odd, maybe fake? how did you go about recording it?
I like the second mix better. The kick sounds more consistent. Maybe a hair loud for my taste tho.
What did you use for drums?
Btw the only thing I didn't really like was the bass. There is just something odd about it especially in the beginning. It kinda sound out of tune or something.

The drums are Superior Drummer 2 and the bass is Trilogy. Maybe my guitar was a bit out of tune at the beginning?

those guitars fucking kick! please do tell how you achieved that sound!
i agree about the bass though, it sounds really odd, maybe fake? how did you go about recording it?

The guitar was just 2 tracks, left and right through my Mesa/Boogie Mark III. Guitar is my LTD EC-1000. I used 2 mics on separate speakers (sm57 and md421)
The drums are Superior Drummer 2 and the bass is Trilogy. Maybe my guitar was a bit out of tune at the beginning?

That could be it. I wonder if trilogy makes the initial attack slightly sharp for realism because either my hearing sucks or it sounds like it starts settling in tune after each note attack.
But if you weren't anal about the tuning of your guitars then perhaps they are to blame :p
I guess now I understand why some people tune their basses just slightly flat.
I dig the drum sound. Was this with the Avatar kit?