Kimberly Goss

Wow, you got me totally wrong. I'm not saying that Jesper started his carrer at the music world with Sinergy, I'm more that aware of In Flame's existance and Jesper's age and time playing:lol:, nor I said he didn't come up with stuff for the band. I was just saying that Roope is better player than Jesper and that he fitted better in Sinergy's style (speed-power metal with loads of melodies and soloing) because he was and is much more versatile and, as he has more abilities than Jesper, he has enabled this kind of ''guitar-battle'' AlexiVSRoope in many solos and plays more lead parts, giving the album another point. In Beware The Heavens all solos were by Alexi, so it was the same style through the whole album. With Roope soloing too you get this variation of styles and switches during the solos as in The Bitch Is Back (Leads: 1.Alexi, 2.Roope, 3.AlexiVSRoope both at the same time) which IMO are great and help Sinergy's quality.

I'm not bashing Jesper, just saying that Roope fits better in Sinergy IMO.

ah, I see. carry on.

i hink there are a couple songs on suicide that get a little hecktek

Which ones? I agree with @arch_enemy666 that in Sinergy doesn't happen what you said like, for example IMO, in Dragonforce. And about the good rythm players I agree, but Alexi and Roope have proved over the years to be great rythm players. Rythmic guitars in Sinergy kick ass too. And I remember that Alexi was once mentioned here, when talking about shreders, to be one of the world's better metal rythm players, :lol:. I don't exactly agree with that (Alexi IMO is more shreder/soloist, but does rythms except for the solos in COB because it makes easier the singing part) , but Alexi is great asrythm player, he hardly ever misses notes (many times on purpose he changes them or simply doesn't play them [see Tuska's Deadnight Warriot ending], but he pays solid rythm guitars).
hmmm, lets see, nothing she had with Sinergy was good without Alexi's guitar playing. And her vocals fucking suck. Nightwish pwns Sinergy

wow. Gay is a nice way to objectivly describe a band. Such intellect is shown by using that word.

/sarcasm off

Instead of saying 'gay' say: "I don't like them because...", that's far less offensive... ;)
And far less illustrative of why don't you like it, which is the thing people might care about, not the fact that you find them ''gay'', :lol: I know too that Sinergy and Nightwish have nothign to do musically, but that guy said Nightwish pwns Sinergy and that's too far from the truth so I fixed his post, :lol: