Kind of late but


Mar 2, 2007
My name is Joe, I idolize

Jimi Hendrix
Jimmy Page
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez
Dimebag Darrell
Eric Clapton
Robert Johnson
BB King
Jack White
Axl Rose
Robert Plant
Jim Morrison
Cedric Bixler-Zavala

My favorite band is Guns N' Roses.

I play guitar, and my style is a mixture of Slash and Hendrix, I can play (as in solo and make up riffs in the genre of) Death Metal, Blues, Delta Blues, Metal, Rock, Psychedelic, Progressive.

I can't play, Grunge, Rockabilly, Southern Rock, Country.

My songwriting expands to pretty much anything, I can write pretty much any type of song that I want to but I have some trouble with Progressive lyrics.

I have been told I have a talent with poetry and guitar.

I'm 14 currently, turning 15 July 2nd 2008.

I'm half Colombian and the other half Czechoslovakian, and German.

I believe you can only joke about a persons race around a friend of that race who approves of it.

I hate



Drama Addicts (people who make bad stuff happen to themselves cause they want their life like the OC)

Dramatic TV Shows

Movies that are just Romance or Sad


Having unnecessary bars on my creativity


People who do something everyone else does like monkeys

People who need something to complain about because bad stuff is happening to other people around them so they just complain about insecurity

People who have a need to label every person and their actions

How TV makes Spanish people and African American people look like drug dealing theives