Hey dude,

Cool balance. The mix punches pretty hard. I think you could use a bit more bass guitar in there, at the moment the punch is coming almost solely from the kick.

The guitars are really not my thing at all. Very flat and ITB sounding. Actually I would've guessed POD had you not said reamp. They need way more life. I don't know whether your Mbox sucked all the juice out of the DIs, but given my prior experiences that's entirely possible.

Drums are popping out a *bit* too much for me. The mix sounds like it needs a little more glue as far as their transients go. Mostly the kick attack that's the culprit there I think.

Once again though, you've done a cool balance there and it's a nice sounding mix. Just a little too sterile for me... but that's probably what you're shooting for with this genre/budget!
Once again though, you've done a cool balance there and it's a nice sounding mix. Just a little too sterile for me... but that's probably what you're shooting for with this genre/budget!

Amen. For this bands music, it couldn't gave gone any other way without sounding lame, IMO. PLUS, I did NOT have to resort to KICK 10 or SNR 12a for any of this, which is refreshingly in itself, haha.

About that guitars, I've got to whole-heartedly disagree with you there. Trust me, when I A/B these GTRs to my initial Podfarm tone, the difference in clarity and 3D-ness is night and day.

BUT, yes, once our Profire2626 comes in I'll be a much happier camper. But FWIW and what we had to work with, I'm fairly happy with it!

Cheers for the comments dude! I always keep them in the back in my mind when mixing =D
BUT, yes, once our Profire2626 comes in I'll be a much happier camper. But FWIW and what we had to work with, I'm fairly happy with it!

you'll love it
when ryan got his ages back he said to me it was like he'd taken a blanket off everything, he wasn't lying, shit is awesome.
Cool man. If anything, maybe consider taming some of those really prominent high-mids on the rhythm guitars. I think that above all is making it sound really flat and up front.

It's kind of hard to explain, but the monitors I have I trust a lot, and all I can say is that the guitars are missing dimensionality. I know that's something that can't be EQ'd back in, but you can reduce its impact on the mix. It will make the mix breathe more too!

Once again, good work. Can't wait to hear further projects once you guys get up and rolling even more.

Also, what sort of settings are you defaulting to for vox on the CL1B? Nice work with the bass grind also. What did you use to get the gain on that? I'm still experimenting, but considering getting some analogue gain stages to grit it up with.
dude i can't fucking get enough of this track. i haven't even seen this thread til now and i kept badgering ryan to send me the dropbox link, this is the heaviest mix i've heard in quite some time. it just came together 100% perfect. any criticism is purely a discrepency in taste.
Fucking thanks so much guys! It feels great to get back into the engineering game after being MIA for over a year!

Again, I love you guiseeeeeeeeee!
Wow thats a nice sounding mix Charles! There is plenty of bass guitar for my taste and that guitar tone is in yo face! My only complaints would be vox up and snare automation in parts, but you already know this. Great job dude and Ryan you may need to reamp some guitars for me. :Saint: