
I really enjoyed their set. Started a bit slow, but really picked up. Great band, I can't wait for the new cd.
Matt, people can criticize as much as they want - its part of the job to listen to criticism. However, when ppl starts out by slamming a band just bcs they don't like the genre, then I speak up. And Matt, let's face it, hype is not when 25 ppl talk positively about a band, if it was I would be a millionaire by now :)

I love progressive metal Claus, I mean i did release CANVAS SOLARIS amidst my metal core roster back in 2004 to much criticism. I like what I like and Kingcrow did absolute nothing for me. I have been nice and didn't state anything as to why I found them unpleasant and will leave it at this.

I too am guy who reissued Watchtower album do once again I love avantgarde prog metal, but no Kingcrow.

Also sorry you don't believe 25 people talking about an unknown band is a form of hype. Hype starts somewhere and why not with people who are fans trying to spread the word about a band they like. Not all hype can reach GHOST proportions.
Allow me to give my muthafuckin opinion.

First two songs felt uncomfortable. Not in the zone. Third song picked up, felt them groove. Played an instrumental, sounded good. Then they played a very Orphaned-Landish song, finally got me. Last song they were a-rockin and a-rollin and sold me. Went and grabbed an album. Jeremy and I agreed, slow start but great once they got comfy on stage and played their A-game material.
I agree. They started a bit slow but really picked it up and I thoroughly enjoyed their performance. Only constructive criticism I would give is that the keyboard solo in the one long proggy song should have been trimmed down a bit. Went around just once too much. This was their first performance wasn't it? I think they did very well considering. I would love to see them again.

edit: No, that was Solution .45's first time out. But anyway, I would definitely like to see Kingcrow again.
Matt, this goes right in the book of stupid comments - I had expected you to know what "hype" means ...

No one has ever posted a review of KINGCROW's live performance here on the forum (or anywhere else). The closest you'll get is the post Kong (Chris from JOP) made.

How there possibly could be any "hype" about their performance is beyond me. It's fair enough to say "I don't like this style of music", or "I don't understand prog rock" or whatever, but people like the original poster or you talking about "not living up to the hype" pisses me off.

Yes, I'm their manager so of course I'm biased - but I've had 20+ of my bands playing here over the years and this was honestly in my top 3 ever.

So maybe, Claus, you being manager disqualifies you from commenting about Matt voicing his honest opinion of not liking them? And maybe people don't have to have their opinions approved by you, me or anyone? This could be a gladfest with nothing but happy happy joy joy, but what does that accomplish? Look, all this is, IS opinions. Nothing more. I didn't happen to hear anything while checking them out that made me want to carry their CDs at the show. And no one asked for any. What I did was a biz decision. What Matt wrote was an opinion. What's wrong with either of those?
I didn't even think they started slow. By the time the first note of the solo near the end of Evasion cracked I was completely in it for them. Total shit-eating grin for the rest of the set.
I can completely understand folks not "getting" it. I didn't like these guys at all when I first heard their stuff, but I got the album 6 months ago and gave it a chance hoping that there was other stuff that might grab me....and it did after a long while. So, it's not something that may click with people right away. If I hadn't heard the album first, I think I probably would've walked out or at least went back to the seats after my "3 song" rule. But, I stuck with them as they found their way through their set, and was rewarded in the end as many others have said. As such, I really applaud their efforts.

As for the whole "opinion" thing, I have no problem that you didn't like it. I have a problem that somebody said it was a catastrophe when it was far from it. Maybe something like...."Kingcrow - I don't get it" may have been more appropriate.
Great band, and so much fun to watch! One of the highlights of the weekend, I thought. Then again, I loved Spheric Universe Experience a few years ago, and people picked on them too...
As my mother said (bless her soul), if you can't say something good then say nothing. I can think of no reason for creating this thread. Personally, I enjoyed King Crow's set.
I walked out after two songs giving them a chance. if there was something people were digging I wasn't feeling it one bit. No need to get into specifics but I didn't believe they lived up to any of their hype. Sorry.

Also shielding opinions from bands isn't helpful. Some like certain bands some don't but to tread lightly because of feelings isn't being honest to their art. First thing someone in a band must develop is thick skin because these days everyone is a critic. IMO.

If you're waiting for a live performance to see if you like a band or not, it's not really a great assessment, especially if you don't even stay past 2 songs. There were known technical issues, so if you heard your favorite band minus the guitar tracks, you wouldn't like them either.

I can see if you listened to their CD a bunch of times, then came and saw them and thought their performance was sloppy/forced or otherwise bad then you'd have a legitimate beef. But to just post "Eh, didn't like them but I won't tell you why" then what the hell's the point? You don't need to post on the internet everytime you don't like something.

You know what I don't like? Mint chocolate. I just don't like the taste!
If you're waiting for a live performance to see if you like a band or not, it's not really a great assessment, especially if you don't even stay past 2 songs. There were known technical issues, so if you heard your favorite band minus the guitar tracks, you wouldn't like them either.

I can see if you listened to their CD a bunch of times, then came and saw them and thought their performance was sloppy/forced or otherwise bad then you'd have a legitimate beef. But to just post "Eh, didn't like them but I won't tell you why" then what the hell's the point? You don't need to post on the internet everytime you don't like something.

You know what I don't like? Mint chocolate. I just don't like the taste!

hahahaha, really? Why do bands perform their music at all then? Music is meant to be performed, if theirs isn't meant to be played live then why come to PP at all? Just curious.

I didn't like them, and i stayed for two songs, that is what they got out of me. Everyone talking about them before the fest is what even got me into the room in the first place. It's their job to win people over with their performance, not mine to sit there and listen to something i don't find appealing. I at least gave them the respect of attending what i did.
hahahaha, really? Why do bands perform their music at all then? Music is meant to be performed, if theirs isn't meant to be played live then why come to PP at all? Just curious.

I didn't like them, and i stayed for two songs, that is what they got out of me. Everyone talking about them before the fest is what even got me into the room in the first place. It's their job to win people over with their performance, not mine to sit there and listen to something i don't find appealing. I at least gave them the respect of attending what i did.

Nobody said anything about them "not being meant" to be played live. What has been stated is that the songs you based your opinion on were mixed so badly that half the parts weren't even present. That is why I think you are being a bit hasty.

There's this really cool thing called "you tube" now where a few seconds of typing can bring up a video of a new band. Check this out!

Isn't that cool? Now you can hear what the band was SUPPOSED to sound like. You can check out a band rather easily to see if you'd be into them! You can also use this to see if their live performance is up to snuff. For example, while seeing Evasion live, I said "Hmmm, I can't hear a guitar! I SEE a guitar, something must be wrong!"

Then three songs later the guitar came on, and everyone was happy! It turns out the guy mixing just didn't like you, and he wanted you to leave the room.
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Great band, and so much fun to watch! One of the highlights of the weekend, I thought. Then again, I loved Spheric Universe Experience a few years ago, and people picked on them too...

I wasn't a forum member at the time so pardon my surprise but...people hated on SUE!? Holy shit. Their set grabbed me by the nips and tossed me about the place. I had So Cold stuck in my head for a solid week after. Those guys are brilliant!
I was pretty impressed, actually. It did take a couple of songs to really get rolling, but they ended up doing a really solid job, and reminded me that I was glad I bought their album at the Insider sale last year.
Nobody said anything about them "not being meant" to be played live. What has been stated is that the songs you based your opinion on were mixed so badly that half the parts weren't even present. That is why I think you are being a bit hasty.

There's this really cool thing called "you tube" now where a few seconds of typing can bring up a video of a new band. Check this out!

Isn't that cool? Now you can hear what the band was SUPPOSED to sound like. You can check out a band rather easily to see if you'd be into them! You can also use this to see if their live performance is up to snuff. For example, while seeing Evasion live, I said "Hmmm, I can't hear a guitar! I SEE a guitar, something must be wrong!"

Then three songs later the guitar came on, and everyone was happy! It turns out the guy mixing just didn't like you, and he wanted you to leave the room.

I guess the problem is you believe that i CARE what the record sounded like before hand. I didn't. I didn't like them and left the room, there is no going back. That performance didn't win me over and there are 100s of other bands out there that do something for me. It's fine if everyone else loves them, i just don't. This thread was started, i voiced my opinion that i agreed i didn't like them.

There is no convincing me that even if i listen to the music that i will like them because i will always remember what i saw and heard at PP. It happens in reverse where I hear a band on CD and don't dig it (LEPROUS) but then after seeing them and being blown away I went back and got into the album. I cannot do it in the opposite fashion, if i don't like a band live i won't listen to the album. it's just who i am.
I'm curious... those who are being critical, are you familiar with the band? I thought they did a very nice job of pulling off what they put on record. I also thought the first song was quite good. I've heard a few people said they got better as they went, but I didn't think they started slow.
I thought Kingcrow were very good. Impressive base playing. the sad part was the a-holes next to me that rudely talked througout the set. It was better when I got up and went to the floor to get away from them. Please if your not into the band, shutup or Leave the auditorium!
I thought Kingcrow took a few songs to work the kinks out. Overall, they didn't chase me from the room, but they didn't blow me away like the cd did.
If anything they were a 6.5 of 10, maybe a 7, but they were definitely NOT a Kingcrowtastrophe
I'm curious... those who are being critical, are you familiar with the band? I thought they did a very nice job of pulling off what they put on record. I also thought the first song was quite good. I've heard a few people said they got better as they went, but I didn't think they started slow.

Nope, but again sometimes I am of the mindset of being wowed live. Since it is a live festival I am attending. I prefer not to know the in's and out's of all the bands on the roster beforehand if i am unfamilar with them at announcement time. i have plenty of other albums to entertain me. I want some bands to surprise me and make me love them first via performance then go get the albums later since in 2012 album production is about sonic perfection and not so much ability to play songs live.

Kingcrow just didn't wow me enough to stay.