Kings of Comedy (Alpha Mail)

ill be those odd man out,i loved the "kangs of comedy" and the clue collar comedy tour, and the individual shows by the dudes from blue collar like larry the cable guys git r done and ron whites they call me tater salad rule imo
Mikey - I have Carlos' - Take A Joke America


Remington\Alf - I have an old routine of Robin Williams recorded in 1979 on vinyl in the garage.

Robin's New York Echo - Man yells "Hello"
Echo Answers "Shut The Fuck Up"
Kinison was brilliant. There was a w hole underlying genius to so much of his material that most people never got. If you hear the name Kinison and all you think is OH OOOOOH, shoot yourself.
TD said:
I do however like that guy with the cigarette in one hand and the whiskey in the other AT ALL TIMES. He is pretty funny. I also happen to find Cedric to be funny as hell.
that guy is Ron White, his album is great and when I got it it was pretty cheap