Know What Really Pisses Me Off??? (Post your metal gripes)

Oct 17, 2006
OK, so there are many, many things that piss me off but most recent it is the new Stainless Steel(Hun) album "The Plaque". After much anticipation, I finally heheard the new CD. Sounds like a good enough Heavy Metal/ Power Metal album with plenty of well written songs that might even be deserving of repeated play but I WANTED A STAINLESS STEEL ALBUM DAMMIT!!!- Not a wannabe Metallica vocalist singing cookie cutter power metal. It just pisses me off royally when I see this happen to the unique and talented band they once were.

We've seen this happen with many bands, many times & certain it will happen again. Will it ever stop pissing me off - Not likely.
I have vented - Now it's your turn.

NP : Custard\Wheels of Time\03-Custard-Escape Reality.mp3
Lots of stuff pisses me, I had talk about them in this forum before and I'm not going to be back but now I want to point other stuff that pisses me off: hipocrisy.

Bands members that throw each other stones over the head and then after a reunion is all kiss in asscheek. HELLO! We do have memory, we recall the insults and the fights.

I rather have have the people say: yes we hate each other back in 85 (or 92) but now the label put a lot of money so we are going to play together no matter how we hate each other.

Also it pisses me off everytime a band came with a new album is ALWAYS the best in their career, then how come I still long for the one of 78 or 86 or 93 instead of the crappy new one? Or is that all albums are so good that the entire catalogue is a wonder? Gimme a break!
I rather have the band saying: hey we did a new album is not as good as our classic *wahtever* but we fell that's very good, so please buy it.

NP: Pariah - 'Missionary Of Mercy'
Wouldn't that be funny if a band puts out a press release for a new album like this.
"Our new album is amazingly mediocre. The songs were hastily written and recorded with absoulutly no thought other than to get it out to make a few bucks. We figured we'll never make an album as good as our previous efforts so why bother. Besides, now we can go tour where we can get our drugs and alcohol for free. We will still play alot of our older more superior material on this tour with only two or three new songs got that to look forward to. THanks to all our fans for your support(ing our drug habits) ROCK AND ROLL!!!!