You know what pisses me off?


Jun 15, 2010
This generation of music that expects the producer to just write shit for them. Bands that say things like "oh we just want something simple and subtle that ends the album on a nice note" ...
And bands that want intros to just spawn up out of nothing "make it so it just builds up into the album with screams of torture."
This isn't why I signed up to produce music. Bands who expect the producer to write their own music for them shouldn't be musicians, period. I'm here to work off of what you gave me, not write your album for you.
Hahaha thank you TesticleMilkshake for the laugh.
They ended up writing an outro themselves that I threw piano over. No biggie :)

I still think this generation of music is bs though, the producer = the band basically and nobody knows it.
Get publishing/Master credits too. Ya never know. If a song takes off or gets picked up for some sort of licensing you should be compensated for your work.
Haha, you've seen nothing yet! Here's another situation:

After our show in Nashville we get into the hotel and there are 4 of the hottest chicks we've seen on the whole US tour coming into the lobby. They ask us if we are a band and what music we do and when our TM says "electro/techno" they all ask "Oh, we love techno! Who's the DJ??!!" ...

Being the vocalist/MC, composer and producer I felt kinda devalued for a second. "Who's the DJ?" - pffft!

It changed of course when the hottest chick gave me her room number :D