What pisses you off?!

That Coles at Katoomba is fucking insane! I've never seen one like it anywhere else.

I worked at a pizza shop for 6 years or so while at school and uni, and just look at me now, Terry, look at me now!! Actually, don't, it's always rather disappointing.

God I wish I could be a footballer or a rock god or travel writer or something. Oh well. :(

Anyway, what really pisses me off is people who overtake me and then cut straight in in front of me so I have to break. If they're going so fast (or I'm going so slowly) that they need to overtake, surely they can give me a bit of fucking space to drive in safely.

Also, fuckhead P-plater teenage boys driving Commodores wearing baseball caps. Especially when they have 2 or 3 mates in the car who are also wearing baseball caps. Fucking wanker clones.
Winmar said:
Anyway, what really pisses me off is people who overtake me and then cut straight in in front of me so I have to break. If they're going so fast (or I'm going so slowly) that they need to overtake, surely they can give me a bit of fucking space to drive in safely.
Oooooo Mr English teacher fucked up.

Winmar said:
Also, fuckhead P-plater teenage boys driving Commodores wearing baseball caps. Especially when they have 2 or 3 mates in the car who are also wearing baseball caps. Fucking wanker clones.

P platers who drive commodores are the coolest people ever.
Right, I've been breweing this for a day or so, so here it goes...

1. Customers who complain bitterly and vocally about the fact they have been waiting at the counter for half an hour just to pay for a single item, then get served and spend ten minutes looking for their fucking purse/wallet instead of having it ready.

2. Being stuck behind said customer when I'm on the other side of the counter.

3. Lazy staff who turn up to work, stand around chatting for 20 minutes and then give you a deer caught in the headlights look when you ask them to do something.

4. Staff that turn up late.

5. Staff that don't even turn up.

6. Customers that park on double yellow lines and run in to the store expecting to be advised on and purchase a digital camera in 5 minutes, then have the fucking cheek to tell you to be quicker because they are in a hurry. Come shopping when you have the time muthafucka.

7. Customers that expect you to discount the cameras and then throw in all the accessories. It's not Oxfam - pay up or fuck off.

8. Customers that walk up to the counter and ask 'Do you know anything about cameras?'. No madam, but I can do you a wicked line in quality footwear.

9. Customers that are rude. If you treat me like dog shit you've trod through your living room I'm going to treat you twice as bad. You'll get shit service, the worst possible prices I can get away with and if I have anything to do with it the worst piece of shit on the shelf to take home with you. Play nice with me and I'll look after you.

10. My uniform.

This concludes the section entitled 'Work'.
Spruce Goose said:
i hate it when fat girls think that they are supermodels and dress up in mimi skirts and tight tops. NEWSFLASH.. You look hideous! I don't care that they are fat. I have nuthin against fat people, but when they dress like that, it really PISSES ME OFF
Hey take a look at this chick then she thinks she is a real beauty :grin:
I hate it when you have a gang of pricks in a car with more spoilers than body work, and they are blasting dance music and they think they are so fuckin great, when really its all me arse and then they go home and take orders offf mummy and daddy :grin: i do enjoy burnin them off at the lights though hahahaa :p
Hay Dreamy I hate exactly the same things about customers as you. Where I used to work in a pawnbroker shop it was bad people would come in to get a loan and either they never have been there before or have brought in different id as well as about 10 items. You have to enter all details about id presented as well as all items description engraving etc. they expect it to take 5 seconds and complain if it takes any longer. Hey buddy I ain't getting a criminal record just because your a low life wanker who either drank all your families money or shot it up your arm or put it into a poker machine and you had to swipe your wifes or mothers jewelery so you can put food in your kids mouths.
Another thing I hate is women who fall pregnant and give the father no choice if the rat comes into the world then accuse him of being a dead beat dad. Your the bitch that opened your legs with no protection or lied to the guy I am on the pill blah blah.If you your self can't afford to look after yourself let alone a child don't be a stupid head.Or the parents that buy cigerettes booze drugs before making sure the kids are properlly feed clothed and looked after then winge oh I can't feed the kids!FUCK OFF LOOSERS give the kids up to someone who really wants kids and can't.Don't have unprotected sex again mother fucker!
Winmar said:
Also, fuckhead P-plater teenage boys driving Commodores wearing baseball caps. Especially when they have 2 or 3 mates in the car who are also wearing baseball caps. Fucking wanker clones.
On a related note, while I was driving to work today along the freeway, a wog in his woggy car with his woggy girlfriend decided they were in such a hurry that they had to pass everyone ON THE LEFT. The only problem was, of course, there was a car in the left lane going SLOWER THAN EVERYONE ELSE and they got stuck behind them. As I drove past (at the speed limit) I laughed at him. He wasn't impressed. :lol:

A similar thing happened to me a while back, there was this wog and his woggy girlfriend in like a Nissan Exa weaving in and out of traffic at high speeds to get through everyone down the main street, and as they went back into the left lane in front of me after passing me and trying to pass another fello in the right, he pulled up behind an older guy in a Falcon going rather slow. Seeing an opportunity, I quickly changed into the right lane and moved in next to him to stop him from being able to overtake the Falcon. As I drove along next to him and saw him swearing, flashing his lights, honking the horn etc, me and my girlfriend just laughed in his stupid face, then flew off. :lol: