Hairdressers Suck!

This is why I get a number three clipper cut. There's no way you can screw one of them up, except if you use the wrong clipper thingies and end up with a 1 or 2 instead. And even then in a weeks time it'll be a number 3 anyway :)
My mum saw my hair tonight and said I thought you were never going to cut your hair again.
She was shocked to the amount that has been cut of.My nephew even noticed and said to me Aunty Xena why did you cut your hair so much I loved your really long hair.Gotta love the kid!
If my hair would grow straight like a normal person's, I'd follow Trent's lead and not cut it at all. Instead, it just gets to a certain length and starts to curl up so I look even more ridiculous than I do normally!

I have no problem with hairdressers per se, I just don't entirely trust anyone whose whole career relies on the use of sharp scissors :). You never know when you'll get some lunatic who says: "I never wanted to be a hairdresser, I wanted to be a LUMBERJACK!"

(Cue Monty Python singalong for those of us who know the words...)

Mine curls up too. I'm just hoping that when it gets longer the whole thing will just look wavy instead of having this stupid curl thing haha.
Well I asked for a 'trim' once, and the barber cut about 2mm off. "That's trim," he said. "You ask for trim, that what I do." I casually remarked that I would explain this to my boss when I got back to work at the Dept. of Fair Trading. He finished cutting my hair.