Koch Load Box II and H&K Red Box clips inside


Producer / Engineer
Apr 16, 2006
Hi guys,

So this is a Gibson Les Paul Studio through a Marshall Valvestate Model 8100 head.
I used the Koch Load Box II and a Hughes and Kettner Red Box Pro, straight into a Presonus Firepod.
No cabinet, No EQ, No compression, 100% raw.

here´s the Load Box on it´s own: www.sanandreas-web.com/loadbox01.mp3
here's the Red Box Pro on it's own: www.sanandreas-web.com/redbox01.mp3
Here's a combination of them both: www.sanandreas-web.com/combined.mp3

just for anybody who wanted to know/hear!

Cheers! :headbang:

- Rob
combined they sound preety good, i would like to hear a clip with the proper lowpass and post eq . I thought those models are quite expensive? , i listened some clips of the behringer ultra g (30 dollars) and the sounds is really close to the redbox.
Anyway.... i think analog cab sims are great for gigs, but in the studio, impulses are the best way to go.

check this web, they a have a lot of analog cab sims under test.
