Korn – Coming Undone


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Korn – Coming Undone
Virgin/EMI Records – 12th June 2006
By Russell Garwood


Coming Undone is the new single from Korn’s latest full-length, See You On The Other Side. Think Queen inspired percussion (’We Will Rock You’ anyone?), crunchy, melodic guitars, and Jonathan Davis’ unmistakable vocals. Add powerful bass, and suitably angsty (and thus highly entertaining) lyrics, and what you get is a single more infectious than a mono outbreak in a brothel. It does exactly what you would expect from modern Korn – provide poppy, catchy, memorable songs with enough hooks to appease the most insatiable of pirate fetishists.

Is it metal, I hear you cry? It’s debatable. Maybe not, but it does not try to be anything it’s not. If you want accessible, enjoyable contemporary rock, look no further. If you’re after originality, innovation or instrumental prowess – let’s face it – you’re not reading this review. And if you’re here to argue that Korn should not be featured on UM, please come up with a better argument than “there not metal!!!”[sic], as we’ve already done that one to death! Bottom line – if you like Korn, you’ll like this. If you don’t, you won’t.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Official Korn website
I heard that one member left (the one who converted to Christianity - Brian "Head" Welch) because Korn didn't even write their own songs anymore, they had people writing the songs. Any evidence of this at all, monsieur Garwood?
arzachel said:
metal or not Korn are fucking horrible, anyone over the age of 15 should relaize that.
By your logic, Korn themselves would realize they were fugging horrible. :lol: I doubt they feel that way about themselves!
Oinkness said:
I heard that one member left (the one who converted to Christianity - Brian "Head" Welch) because Korn didn't even write their own songs anymore, they had people writing the songs.

I heard he left cause he had a daughter and he didn't want her hearing music of their content. (Because he's Christian) Since when are people not letting their children listen to songs about ass fucking?

Fucking Nazis.
Oinkness said:
Any evidence of this at all, monsieur Garwood?

Nah, I'm pretty sure the band write it, or at least have a joint role in doing so ;) He left because he had a daughter, and this made him find god. He's now making a film and his debut album all about it - I covered all of it for ZT at the time.

arzachel said:
metal or not Korn are fucking horrible, anyone over the age of 15 should relaize that.

My reviews aren't driven by knee-jerk reactions caused by my own insecurity. This may be verging on pop, but that doesn't mean I'm afraid to admit I enjoy it. What about Korn is so threatening you feel the need to dismiss them out of hand, and why the age bracket? Does metal make you different? Is it because you're scared a "popular" metal band, supported by a legion of fifteen year olds somehow makes you less of an individual? That's the only reason I can think of, because if you really care about the music, you wouldn't mind. No matter how bad it is, a portion of these fans will make it to more underground and extreme depths of the metal world, and that can hardly be a bad thing.
Korn of the Gods...

Lawlery Stick!

..Anyway, I think Korn has released some decent (IMO) material in the past so It may be worth checking out.
Korn is okay if the only place you can buy CD's is Wal-Mart, otherwise forking over the dollars for a Korn album is senseless. I blame Korn for the rage that is "Nu-Metal".
Russell said:
Nah, I'm pretty sure the band write it, or at least have a joint role in doing so ;) He left because he had a daughter, and this made him find god. He's now making a film and his debut album all about it - I covered all of it for ZT at the time.

My reviews aren't driven by knee-jerk reactions caused by my own insecurity. This may be verging on pop, but that doesn't mean I'm afraid to admit I enjoy it. What about Korn is so threatening you feel the need to dismiss them out of hand, and why the age bracket? Does metal make you different? Is it because you're scared a "popular" metal band, supported by a legion of fifteen year olds somehow makes you less of an individual? That's the only reason I can think of, because if you really care about the music, you wouldn't mind. No matter how bad it is, a portion of these fans will make it to more underground and extreme depths of the metal world, and that can hardly be a bad thing.

Well Korn does blow.
I wish this band would get on their tour plane and crash into a black,Viking forest and be placed on funeral pyres. Korn, does not even deserve the space on this forum.